Projects funded by the NCN

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13 projects found matching your search criteria :

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  1. Assessment of the effects of interactions between biopolymers and chemotherapeutics crucial to the treatment of serious ...

    Call: PRELUDIUM 9 , Panel: NZ7

    Principal investigator: Magdalena Paczkowska

    Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Wydział Farmaceutyczny

  2. Emulsion platform for controlled and selective drug release

    Call: OPUS 7 , Panel: ST8

    Principal investigator: dr hab. Ewa Dłuska

    Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Chemicznej i Procesowej

  3. Curdlan-based biomaterial as a nanostructure carrier for controlled and targeted drug delivery in the treatment of deep ...

    Call: PRELUDIUM 22 , Panel: NZ7

    Principal investigator: Aleksandra Nurzyńska

    Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie

  4. Effects of receptor action of L- and D-Lactate on cervical cancer cells. Lactate modulation of cell DNA repair response ...

    Call: OPUS 2 , Panel: NZ4

    Principal investigator: dr Waldemar Wagner

    Instytut Biologii Medycznej PAN

  5. Application of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas generated in contact with a flowing liquid for direct degradation of an...

    Call: SONATA 15 , Panel: ST8

    Principal investigator: dr Anna Dzimitrowicz

    Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Chemiczny

  6. Multimodal gold nanoparticles as potential radiopharmaceuticals in targeted radionuclide therapy

    Call: SONATA 14 , Panel: ST4

    Principal investigator: dr Agnieszka Majkowska-Pilip

    Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej

  7. Preparation and investigation of multifunctional biomaterials based on nanoapatites for possible application in bone tum...

    Call: PRELUDIUM 14 , Panel: ST5

    Principal investigator: dr Paulina Sobierajska

    Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych im. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

  8. Tests of resistance of Salmonella strains isolated from food to selected antibiotics and chemotherapeutics

    Call: PRELUDIUM 1 , Panel: NZ9

    Principal investigator: Łukasz Mąka

    Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowy Zakład Higieny (NIZP - PZH)

  9. Nanostructured lipidic liquid-crystalline carriers for chemotherapeutics and corpuscular radiation emitters in targeted ...

    Call: OPUS 13 , Panel: ST4

    Principal investigator: dr Ewa Nazaruk

    Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Chemii

  10. The impact of anti-cancer therapies on genetic stability of chondrocytes differentiated from human pluripotent stem cell...

    Call: PRELUDIUM 12 , Panel: NZ7

    Principal investigator: dr Ewelina Stelcer

    Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Wydział Medyczny

  11. Raman spectroscopy in vitro studies on impact of selected chemotherapeutic on endothelial cells

    Call: SONATA 11 , Panel: ST4

    Principal investigator: dr Katarzyna Majzner

    Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Chemii

  12. Biocompatible polymeric nanocapsules as anticancer drug delivery system

    Call: PRELUDIUM 9 , Panel: ST5

    Principal investigator: dr Joanna Szafraniec

    Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Chemii

  13. Interference of fenofibrate with the invasive potential of prostate cancer cells modulated by chemotherapeutics

    Call: OPUS 9 , Panel: NZ3

    Principal investigator: dr hab. Jarosław Czyż

    Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii