inner ear malformations hearing loss gene mutation non-coding variants next-generation sequencing whole genome sequencing induced pluripotent stem cells cell reprogramming zebrafish model alternative transcripts gene regulation chromatin structure
NZ5 - Human and animal noninfectious diseases: etiology, mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, poisonings and injuries (without neurological diseases)
Host institution :
Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu
woj. mazowieckie
Principal investigator (from the host institution):
Number of co-investigators in the project: 6
Call: OPUS 21 - announced on 2021-03-15
Amount awarded: 2 986 560 PLN
Project start date (Y-m-d): 2022-07-01
Project end date (Y-m-d): 2026-06-30
Project duration:: 48 months (the same as in the proposal)
Project status: Pending project
Download the project description in a pdf file
Note - project descriptions were prepared by the authors of the applications themselves and placed in the system in an unchanged form.