An ergodic theorem for proportions of observations that fall into random sets determined by sample quantiles
Academic press:
Metrika (rok: 2017, tom: 90, strony: 319-332), Wydawca: Springer
Asymptotic behavior of proportions of observations in random regions determined by central order statistics from stationary processes
Anna Dembińska, Krzysztof Jasiński
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2017, tom: 51, strony: 591-608), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Birnbaum importance measure for reliability systems with dependent components.
Patryk Miziuła, Jorge Navarro
Academic press:
IEEE Transactions on Reliability (rok: 2019, tom: 68, strony: 439-450), Wydawca: IEEE
On the unique characterization of continuous distributions by single regression of non--adjacent generalized order statistics
Mariusz Bieniek, Krystyna Maciąg
Academic press:
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications (rok: 2018, tom: 30, strony: 491-–519), Wydawca: Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium
Sharp bounds on change in expected values and variances for single risk analysis in the flood catastrophe model
Patryk Miziuła, Radek Solnicky
Academic press:
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (rok: 2018, tom: 2018, strony: 64-75), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Sharp inequalities for quantiles of system lifetime distributions from failure dependent proportional hazard model
Marco Burkschat, Tomasz Rychlik
Academic press:
TEST (rok: 2018, tom: 27, strony: 618-638), Wydawca: Springer
Upper and lower bounds on the variances of linear combinations of kth records
Paweł Marcin Kozyra, Tomasz Rychlik
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2018, tom: 52, strony: 177-204), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
A strong ergodic theorem for extreme and intermediate order statistics
Aneta Buraczyńska, Anna Dembińska
Academic press:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (rok: 2018, tom: 460, strony: 382-399), Wydawca: Elsevier
Comparison of dispersions of mixtures of ordered distributions
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2017, tom: 51, strony: 862-877), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
On reliability analysis of k-out-of-n systems consisting of heterogeneous components with discrete lifetimes
Academic press:
IEEE Transactions on Reliability (rok: 2018, tom: 67, strony: 1071-1083), Wydawca: IEEE
On the number of observations in random regions determined by records
Anna Dembińska, Masoumeh Akbari, Jafar Ahmadi
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2020, tom: 54, strony: 805-829), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Sharp bounds for systems and mixtures with ordered components
Patryk Miziuła, Jorge Navarro
Academic press:
Naval Research Logistics (rok: 2017, tom: 64, strony: 108-116), Wydawca: Wiley
Sharp bounds on the expectations of linear combinations of $k$th records expressed in the Gini mean difference units
Paweł Marcin Kozyra, Tomasz Rychlik
Academic press:
Probability and Mathematical Statistics (rok: 2018, tom: 38, strony: 39-59), Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Sharp lower bounds on expectations of gOS based on DGFR distributions
Mariusz Bieniek, Agnieszka Goroncy
Academic press:
Statistical Papers (rok: 2020, tom: 61, strony: 1027–1042), Wydawca: Springer
The long-term behavior of number of near-maximum insurance claims
Aneta Buraczyńska, Anna Dembińska
Academic press:
Insurance Mathematics and Economics (rok: 2019, tom: 88, strony: 226-237), Wydawca: Elsevier
Load-sharing reliability models with different component sensibilities on other component working states
Tomasz Rychlik, Fabio Spizzichino
Academic press:
Advances in Applied Probability (rok: 2021, tom: 53, strony: ), Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
Accepted for publication
Bounds for the reliability of coherent systems with heterogeneous components
Patryk Miziuła, Jorge Navarro
Academic press:
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (rok: 2018, tom: 34, strony: 158-174), Wydawca: Wiley
On unimodality of the lifetime distribution of coherent systems with failure-dependent component lifetimes
Mariusz Bieniek, Marco Burkschat
Academic press:
Journal of Applied Probability (rok: 2018, tom: 55, strony: 473-–487), Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
Sharp bounds on distribution functions and expectations of mixtures of ordered families of distributions
Academic press:
TEST (rok: 2019, tom: 28, strony: 166-195), Wydawca: Springer
Variation of the expectation and quantiles of the mixture of ordered distributions under imprecise choice of prior
Academic press:
Statistics , Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Computing moments of discrete order statistics from non-identical distributions
Anna Dembińska, Katherine Davies
Academic press:
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (rok: 2018, tom: 328, strony: 340-354), Wydawca: Elsevier
Conditions on unimodality and logconcavity for densities of coherent systems with an application to Bernstein operators
Mariusz Bieniek, Marco Burkschat, Tomasz Rychlik
Academic press:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (rok: 2018, tom: 467, strony: 863--873), Wydawca: Elsevier
On the problem of the unique characterization of discrete distributions by single regression of weak records
Mariusz Bieniek, Krystyna Maciąg
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2018, tom: 52, strony: 533-–551), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Optimal upper bounds on expected kth record values from IGFR distributions
Agnieszka Goroncy
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2019, tom: 53, strony: 1012-1036), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Sharp bounds for the mean of the total time on test for distributions with increasing generalized failure rate
Mariusz Bieniek, Maria Szpak
Academic press:
Statistics (rok: 2018, tom: 52, strony: 818-828), Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
Preservation of the increasing failure rate property for coherent systems under the failure-dependent proportional hazard rate model
Mariusz Bieniek, Marco Burkschat
Academic press:
Journal of Applied Probability , Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
Comparisons of the expectations of system and component lifetimes in the failure dependent proportional hazard model
Mariusz Bieniek, Marco Burkschat, Tomasz Rychlik
Academic press:
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (rok: 2020, tom: 22, strony: 173-189), Wydawca: Springer
Effective procedure of verifying stochastic ordering of system lifetimes
Tomasz Rychlik, Jorge Navarro, Rafael Rubio
Academic press:
Journal of Applied Probability (rok: 2018, tom: 55, strony: 1261--1271), Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
Moments of order statistics from DNID discrete random variables with application in reliability
Anna Dembińska, Agnieszka Goroncy
Academic press:
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (rok: 2020, tom: 371, strony: 112703, 25 pp.), Wydawca: Elsevier
On the number of failed components in a k-out-of-n system upon system failure when the lifetimes are discretely distributed
Katherine Davies, Anna Dembińska
Academic press:
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (rok: 2019, tom: 188, strony: 47-61), Wydawca: Elsevier
Reliability properties of k-out-of-n systems with one cold standby unit
Anna Dembińska, Nikolay I. Nikolov, Eugenia Stoimenova
Academic press:
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (rok: 2021, tom: 388, strony: 113289, pp. 27), Wydawca: Elsevier
Uniqueness of characterization of absolutely continuous distributions by regressions of generalized order statistics
Mariusz Bieniek, Krystyna Maciąg
Academic press:
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (rok: 2018, tom: 102, strony: 359-380), Wydawca: Springer