Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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The novel methodic for determination of volatile methylsiloxanes in dyniamic strem of biogas by applying one- and two-phase absorption systems



biogas volatile methylsiloxanes GC-MS absorption processes


  • ST4_6: Instrumental methods in chemistry


ST4 - Chemistry: physical chemistry/chemical physics, theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, method development

Host institution :

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Wydział Chemii

woj. kujawsko-pomorskie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

Grzegorz Piechota 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 2

Call: PRELUDIUM 5 - announced on 2013-03-15

Amount awarded: 49 950 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2014-04-03

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2015-10-02

Project duration:: 18 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Przenośny absorber (1 000 PLN)
  2. Urządzenie pomiarowe TESTO wraz z oprzyrządowaniem (8 979 PLN)

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (1)
  1. An experimental approach for development of direct-absorption sampling method for determination of trimethylsilanol and volatile methylsiloxanes by GC-MS technique in landfillgas
    G. Piechota, B. Igliński, R. Buczkowski
    Academic press:
    International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (rok: 2015, tom: 95, strony: 867-877), Wydawca: Taylor Francis
    10.1080/03067319.2015.1055473 - link to the publication