Projects funded by the NCN

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Interaction of ultrashort soft x-ray pulses with nanolayers.



ultrashort pulses extreme ultravilet soft x-rays free electron lasers x-ray lasers nanolayers multilayers optical coatings structural changes optical constants


  • ST3_18:
  • ST5_4: Thin films
  • ST3_4: Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures, etc.


ST3 - Condensed matter physics: structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences, biological physics

Host institution :

Instytut Fizyki PAN

woj. mazowieckie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

dr Ryszard Sobierajski 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 9

Call: OPUS 2 - announced on 2011-09-15

Amount awarded: 490 700 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2012-08-20

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2015-08-19

Project duration:: 36 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Detektory miękkiego promieniowania rentgenowskiego odbitego i rozproszonego na próbce (kamera XUV/rentgenowska CCD, detektory MCP) (5 szt.) (5 646 PLN)
  2. Oprogramowanie licencjonowane wspomagające projektowanie, analizę danych i pisanie publikacji (3 szt.) (5 000 PLN)
  3. Laptop z oprogramowaniem (Windows, Office etc.) (4 000 PLN)
  4. komputer osobisty.
  5. Elementy układu próżniowego (pompy, mierniki próżni, zawory) (40 000 PLN)
  6. Monitor komputerowy - 2 sztuki.

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (6)
  1. Modelling single shot damage thresholds of multilayer optics for high-intensity short-wavelength radiation sources
    R.A. Loch, R. Sobierajski, E. Louis, J. Bosgra, F. Bijkerk
    Academic press:
    Optics Express (rok: 2012, tom: 20, strony: 28200-28215), Wydawca: OPTICAL SOC AMER
    10.1364/OE.20.028200 - link to the publication
  2. Photon energy dependence of graphitization threshold for diamond irradiated with an intense XUV FEL pulse
    J. Gaudin, N. Medvedev, J. Chalupský, T. Burian, S. Dastjani-Farahani, V. Hájková, M. Harmand, H.O. Jeschke, L. Juha, M. Jurek, D. Klinger, J. Krzywinski, R.A. Loch, S. Moeller, M. Nagasono, C. Ozkan, K. Saksl, H. Sinn, R. Sobierajski, P. Sovák, S. Toleikis, K. Tiedtke, M. Toufarová, T. Tschentscher, V. Vorlíček, L. Vyšín, H. Wabnitz, B. Ziaja
    Academic press:
    Physical Review B (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 060101-1 - 060101-4), Wydawca: American Physical Society
    10.1103/PhysRevB.88.060101 - link to the publication
  3. Investigation of damage induced by intense femtosecond XUV pulses in silicon crystals by means of white beam synchrotron section topography
    W. Wierzchowski, K. Wieteska, D. Klinger, R. Sobierajski, J.B. Pelka, D. Żymierska, T. Balcer, J. Chalupský, J. Gaudin, V. Hájková, T. Burian, A.J. Gleeson, L. Juha, H. Sinn, D. Sobota, K. Tiedtke, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, L. Vyšín, H. Wabnitz, C. Paulmann
    Academic press:
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry (rok: 2013, tom: 93, strony: 99-103), Wydawca: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
    10.1016/j.radphyschem.2013.04.025 - link to the publication
  4. Synchrotron topographic evaluation of strain around craters generated by irradiation with X-ray pulses from free electron laser with different intensities
    W Wierzchowski, K Wieteska, R. Sobierajski, D. Klinger, J. Pełka, D. Żymierska, C. Paulmann, S.P. Hau-Riege, R.A. London, A. Graf, T. Burian, J. Chalupský, J. Gaudin, J. Krzywinski, S. Moeller, M. Messerschmidt, J. Bozek, Ch. Bostedt
    Academic press:
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (rok: 2015, tom: 364, strony: 20), Wydawca: Elsevier
    10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.115 - link to the publication
  5. Experimental set-up and procedures for the investigation of XUV free electron laser interactions with solids
    R. Sobierajski, M. Jurek, J. Chalupský, J. Krzywinski, T. Burian, S. D. Farahani, V. Hájková, M. Harmand, L. Juha, D. Klinger, R.A. Loch, C. Ozkan, J. Pelka, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, H. Sinn, S. Toleikis, K. Tiedtke, T. Tschentscher, H. Wabnitz and J. Gaudin
    Academic press:
    Journal of Instrumentation (rok: 2013, tom: 8, strony: 2010-2024), Wydawca: IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    10.1088/1748-0221/8/02/P02010 - link to the publication
  6. Fluence thresholds for grazing incidence hard x-ray mirrors
    A. Aquila, R. Sobierajski, C. Ozkan, V. Hájková, T. Burian, J. Chalupský, L. Juha, M. Störmer, S. Bajt, M. T. Klepka, P. Dłużewski, K. Morawiec, H. Ohashi, T. Koyama, K. Tono, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, H. Sinn, T. Tschentscher, A. P. Mancuso and J. Gaudin
    Academic press:
    Applied Physics Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 106, strony: 241905), Wydawca: AMER INST PHYSICS, 1305 WALT WHITMAN RD, STE 300, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA
    10.1063/1.4922380 - link to the publication