Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Regulation of glycoprotein 130 signaling pathway in cultured skeletal muscle cells collected from insulin sensitive and insulin resistant subjects



insulin sensitivity skeletal muscle cytokines ciliary neurotrophic factor


  • NZ5_3: Pathogenesis of human diseases


NZ5 - Human and animal noninfectious diseases: etiology, mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, poisonings and injuries (without neurological diseases)

Host institution :

Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności PAN

woj. warmińsko-mazurskie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

prof. Marek Strączkowski 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 7

Call: OPUS 1 - announced on 2011-03-15

Amount awarded: 1 277 080 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2011-12-19

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2015-12-18

Project duration:: 48 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Licznik komórek - Countless Automated Cell Counter Invitrogen (30 000 PLN)
  2. Aparat do szybkiego elektrotransf. w techn. Półsuchej Trans-Blot Turbo (4 500 PLN)
  3. Mikroskop badawczy OLYMPUS IX51 z wyposażeniem.
  4. Komora laminarna NU 480-400E z wyposażeniem (70 000 PLN)
  5. Łaźnia wodna z wytrząsaniem B5-11 (15 000 PLN)
  6. Inkubator NU4950E z wyposażeniem (60 000 PLN)
  7. Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, aparat do elektroforezy białek i kwasów (6 200 PLN)

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (1)
  1. Wnt signaling genes in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of humans with different degree of insulin sensitivity
    M. Karczewska-Kupczewska, M. Stefanowicz, N. Matulewicz, A. Nikołajuk, M. Strączkowski
    Academic press:
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (rok: 2016, tom: 101, strony: 3079-3087), Wydawca: Endocrine Society
    10.1210/jc.2016-1594 - link to the publication