Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Antibiotic residues in sediments from the southern Baltic Sea - concentrations and influence on bacteriocenosis



antibiotic residues sediments southern Baltic bacteriocenosis


  • ST10_8: Paleontology, stratigraphy, geochronology
  • ST10_11: Marine physics and chemistry


ST10 - Earth sciences: Earth system science, atmospheric sciences, climatology, geochemistry, geodesy, geoecology, geophysics, physical geography, geoinformatics, planetary geology, pedology, mining, chemical and physical oceanology, environmental protection

Host institution :

Instytut Oceanologii PAN

woj. pomorskie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

Grzegorz Siedlewicz 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 2

Call: PRELUDIUM 1 - announced on 2011-03-15

Amount awarded: 60 970 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2011-12-19

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2013-06-18

Project duration:: 18 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Uzupełnienie systemu do ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (2 577 PLN)
  2. Szafa chłodnicza do przeprowadzenia doświadczeń laboratoryjnych (1 549 PLN)
  3. Wytrząsarka do ekstrakcji pozostałości antybiotyków z osadu (2 777 PLN)

Information in the final report

  • Articles in post-conference publications (1)
  • Book publications / chapters in book publications (1)
  1. Impact of antibiotic residues present in Baltic Sea sediments on the growth of sedimentary bacteria
    Siedlewicz Grzegorz, Kotlarska Ewa, Pazdro Ksenia
    VII Ogólnoposka Konferencja Hydromikrobiologiczna "Mikoorganizmy-Człowiek-Środowisko" (rok: 2013, ), Wydawca: Oficynę Wydawniczą PWr
    konferencja 6-8 luty 2013
    Accepted for publication
  1. Determination of tetracyclines residues in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea) sediments using a tandem solid-phase extraction with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
    Grzegorz Siedlewicz, Ksenia Pazdro, Marta Borecka, Kinga Kornowska, Anna Białk-Bielińska, Piotr Stepnowski
    Springer Special Issue book – Papers on environmental changes; Insight on Environmental Changes: Where the World is Heading; (Series: GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences) (rok: 2013, tom: nie dotyczy, strony: nie dotyczy), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing AG
    Accepted for publication