Projects funded by the NCN

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11 projects found matching your search criteria :

  1. Originality and Practical Potential of Tadeusz Kowalik's Political Economy. An Assessment

    Call: PRELUDIUM 8 , Panel: HS4

    Principal investigator: Grzegorz Konat

    Instytut Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur

  2. Painted representations of the 'Volto Santo' in the light of spatial studies

    Call: PRELUDIUM 7 , Panel: HS2

    Principal investigator: Ika Matyjaszkiewicz

    Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Historyczny

  3. The late medieval iron craft tools from the territory of Poland. The archeological original research

    Call: PRELUDIUM 3 , Panel: HS3

    Principal investigator: Przemysław Michalik

    Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Historyczny

  4. Optimalisation of structure of protective clothing for prematurely born infants with the use of original tools aiding th...

    Call: OPUS 2 , Panel: ST8

    Principal investigator: prof. Izabella Krucińska

    Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Technologii Materiałowych i Wzornictwa Tekstyliów

  5. The status of animals in the contemporary approaches to the social contract theory

    Call: PRELUDIUM 22 , Panel: HS5

    Principal investigator: Wojciech Jankowski

    Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Prawa i Administracji

  6. Development of a yeast transposition assay to investigate mobility of DcSto elements originally identified in the carrot...

    Call: PRELUDIUM 19 , Panel: NZ9

    Principal investigator: Kornelia Kwolek

    Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie, Wydział Biotechnologii i Ogrodnictwa

  7. Collecting, preparing and publishing research in the original languages with a Polish translation of the late ancient sy...

    Call: OPUS 1 , Panel: HS1

    Principal investigator: prof. Henryk Pietras SJ

    Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydział Filozoficzny

  8. Application of the original method of analysis and measurement of systemic risk to emerging countries in Europe

    Call: PRELUDIUM 15 , Panel: HS4

    Principal investigator: dr Marta Karaś

    Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wydział Ekonomii i Finansów

  9. A New Translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics from the Original Ancient Greek into Polish.

    Call: OPUS 1 , Panel: HS1

    Principal investigator: dr hab. Jan Bigaj

    Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN

  10. Original adaptation of the multiaxial fatigue criteria of materials into the fatigue life calculation process

    Call: OPUS 13 , Panel: ST8

    Principal investigator: prof. Aleksander Karolczuk

    Politechnika Opolska, Wydział Mechaniczny

  11. Originality and imitation in Polish political and religious culture (10th-13th century)

    Call: OPUS 9 , Panel: HS3

    Principal investigator: prof. Roman Michałowski

    Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Historyczny