Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Investigation of the influence of surface plasmons on stimulated emission in plasmonic nanocomposites doped with rare earth ions.



plasmonics plasmnonic nanoparticles rare-erath ions solid-state lasers optical fiber amplifier


  • ST3_12: Molecular electronics
  • ST5_8: Metals, alloys
  • ST7_5: Micro- and nanelectronic, optoelectronic and photonic components


ST3 - Condensed matter physics: structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences, biological physics

Host institution :

Sieć Badawcza ŁUKASIEWICZ - Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych

woj. mazowieckie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

dr Katarzyna Sadecka 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 3

Call: SONATA 10 - announced on 2015-09-15

Amount awarded: 468 000 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2016-06-24

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2020-06-23

Project duration:: 48 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Project description

Download the project description in a pdf file

Note - project descriptions were prepared by the authors of the applications themselves and placed in the system in an unchanged form.

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (1)
  1. Optically-active metastable deffects in volumetric nanoplasmonic composites
    M.Gajc, B.Surma, D.A.Pawlak
    Academic press:
    Scientific Reports (rok: 2018, tom: 8, strony: 45301), Wydawca: Nature
    10.1038/s41598-018-30803-0 - link to the publication