Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Outside conscious vision -possible resource of visual rehabilitation



vision retina plasticity visual cortex


  • NZ4_7: Neurophysiology
  • NZ4_10: Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience
  • NZ7_7: Rehabilitation


NZ4 - Biology of tissues, organs and organisms: morphology and functions of animal's and human's systems, organs and organisms, experimental medicine, basics of neurology

Host institution :

Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

woj. mazowieckie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

dr hab. Kalina Burnat 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 7

Call: OPUS 10 - announced on 2015-09-15

Amount awarded: 1 099 500 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2016-08-05

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2022-06-04

Project duration:: 70 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Project description

Download the project description in a pdf file

Note - project descriptions were prepared by the authors of the applications themselves and placed in the system in an unchanged form.

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Cewka nadawczo-odbiorcza.
  2. oprogramowanie do wizualizacja danych i analizy statystycznej np. GraphPad Prism (3 600 PLN)
  3. Aparat fotograficzny do zdjęć dna oka (25 000 PLN)
  4. Cewka powierzchniowa.
  5. Kompatybilny z MR system do ogrzewania zwierząt ciepłym powietrzem w trakcie badania (30 000 PLN)
  6. Wykonane na zamówienie, kompatybilne z MR łóżko dla kota (50 000 PLN)

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (1)
  1. Plasticity Beyond V1: Reinforcement of Motion Perception upon Binocular Central Retinal Lesions in Adulthood
    Burnat K, Hu T-T, Kossut M, Eysel U, Arckens L
    Academic press:
    Journal of Neuroscience (rok: 2017, tom: 37, strony: 8989 – 8999), Wydawca: Society for Neuroscience
    10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1231-17.2017 - link to the publication