Orbital entanglement and correlation from pCCD-tailored coupled cluster wave functions
A Nowak, Ö Legeza and K Boguslawski
Academic press:
The Journal of Chemical Physics (rok: 2021, tom: 154, strony: 84111), Wydawca: AIP
Resolving the pi-assisted U–N sigma_f-bond formation using quantum information theory
A Leszczyk, T Dome, P Tecmer, D Kedziera, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2022, tom: 24, strony: 21296), Wydawca: RSC
Static embedding with pair coupled cluster doubles based methods
R Chakraborty, K Boguslawski, P Tecmer
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2023, tom: 25, strony: 25377), Wydawca: RSC
Dissecting the cation–cation interaction between two uranyl units
P Tecmer, SW Hong, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 18, strony: 18305-18311), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
On the multi-reference nature of plutonium oxides: PuO22+, PuO2, PuO3 and PuO2(OH)2
K Boguslawski, F Réal, P Tecmer, C Duperrouzel, ASP Gomes, Ö Legeza, PW Ayers, V Vallet
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2017, tom: 19, strony: 4317-4329), Wydawca: RSC
Targeting excited states in all-trans polyenes with electron-pair states
Academic press:
The Journal of Chemical Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 145, strony: 234105), Wydawca: American Institute of Physics
A configuration interaction correction on top of pair coupled cluster doubles
A Nowak, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2023, tom: 25, strony: 7289), Wydawca: RSC
Analysis of two-orbital correlations in wave functions restricted to electron-pair states
K Boguslawski, P Tecmer, Ö Legeza
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2016, tom: 94, strony: 155126), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Benchmark of Dynamic Electron Correlation Models for Seniority-Zero Wave Functions and Their Application to Thermochemistry
K Boguslawski and P Tecmer
Academic press:
Journal of chemical theory and computation (rok: 2017, tom: 13, strony: 5966-5983), Wydawca: American Chemical Society
Mixed uranyl and neptunyl cation–cation interaction-driven clusters: structures, energetic stability, and nuclear quadrupole interactions
P Tecmer, F Schindler, A Leszczyk, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2020, tom: 22, strony: 10845-10852), Wydawca: RSC
Open-shell extensions to closed-shell pCCD
Academic press:
Chemical Communications (rok: 2021, tom: 57, strony: 2277–12280), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
Pythonic Black-box Electronic Structure Tool (PyBEST). An open-source Python platform for electronic structure calculations at the interface between chemistry and physics
K Boguslawski, A Leszczyk, A Nowak, F Brzęk, P Sz Żuchowski, D Kędziera, P Tecmer
Academic press:
Computer Physics Communications (rok: 2021, tom: 264, strony: 107933), Wydawca: Elsevier
Assessing the Accuracy of Tailored Coupled Cluster Methods Corrected by Electronic Wave Functions of Polynomial Cost
A Leszczyk, M Máté, Ö Legeza, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (rok: 2022, tom: 18, strony: 96-117), Wydawca: ACS
Elucidating cation–cation interactions in neptunyl dications using multi-reference ab initio theory
A Łachmańska, P Tecmer, Ö Legeza, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2019, tom: 21, strony: 744-759), Wydawca: RSC
PyBEST: improved functionality and enhanced performance
K Boguslawski, F Brzęk, R Chakraborty, K Cieślak, S Jahani, A Leszczyk, A Nowak, E Sujkowski, J Świerczyński, S Ahmadkhani, D Kędziera, MH Kriebel, PSz Żuchowski, P Tecmer
Academic press:
Computer Physics Communications (rok: 2024, tom: 297, strony: 109049), Wydawca: Elsevier
Assessing the accuracy of simplified coupled cluster methods for electronic excited states in f0 actinide compounds
A Nowak, P Tecmer, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2019, tom: 21, strony: 19039-19053), Wydawca: RSC
Geminal-based electronic structure methods in quantum chemistry. Toward a geminal model chemistry
P Tecmer, K Boguslawski
Academic press:
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2022, tom: 24, strony: 23026), Wydawca: RSC