$X(3872)$ as virtual companion pole of the charm-anticharm state $\chi_{c1}(2P)$
F. Giacosa, M. Piotrowska and S. Coito,
Academic press:
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 34 (2019) no.29, 1950173 (rok: 2019, tom: 34, strony: brak), Wydawca: World Scientific
Chiral anomaly and strange-nonstrange mixing
Academic press:
EPJ Web Conf. (rok: 2019, tom: 199, strony: 5012), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Companion poles: from the $a_{0}(980)$ to the $X(3872)$
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica B, proceedings supplement (rok: 2020, tom: 13, strony: 83), Wydawca: APPB
Line-shape and poles of the $\psi(3770)$
S. Coito and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
Nucl. Phys. A (rok: 2019, tom: 981, strony: 38), Wydawca: Elsevier
Strong and radiative decays of excited vector mesons and predictions for a new $\phi(1930)$ resonance
M.~Piotrowska, C.~Reisinger and F.~Giacosa,
Academic press:
Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) no.5, 054033 (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 54033), Wydawca: aps science
Strong decays of excited vector mesons
M. Piotrowska and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10 (2017) 1015 (rok: 2017, tom: 10, strony: 1015), Wydawca: APPB
The $f_0(1790)$ and $a_0(1950)$ Resonances as Excited $\bar {q}q$ States in the Extended Linear Sigma Model
D. Parganlija and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
Acta Phys.\ Polon.\ Supp.\ {\bf 10} (2017) 1029 (rok: 2017, tom: 10, strony: 1029), Wydawca: APPB
Can the $\psi(4040)$ explain the peak associated with $Y(4008)$?
M. Piotrowska, F. Giacosa and P. Kovacs
Academic press:
Eur. Phys. J. C (rok: 2019, tom: 79, strony: 98), Wydawca: Springer
Formation and Deformation of the $\psi (3770)$
S. Coito and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10 (2017) 1049 (rok: 2017, tom: 10, strony: 1049), Wydawca: APPB
Line-shape analysis of charmonium resonances
Academic press:
Proceedings of Science (rok: 2018, tom: PoS Hadron 2017, strony: 30), Wydawca: Sissa
Phenomenology of pseudotensor mesons and the pseudotensor glueball
A. Koenigstein and F. Giacosa
Academic press:
Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016) no.12, 356 (rok: 2016, tom: 52, strony: 356), Wydawca: springer
Revisiting the axial anomaly for light mesons and baryons
Francesco Giacosa
Academic press:
Proceedings of Science (rok: 2018, tom: PoS 2017, strony: 45), Wydawca: Sissa
The $Y(4260)$ and $Y(4360)$ enhancements within coupled-channels
Academic press:
EPJ Web Conf. (rok: 2019, tom: 199, strony: 40003), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
A study of the vector meson ψ(4040)
M. Piotrowska and F. Giacosa
Academic press:
EPJ Web Conf (rok: 2019, tom: 199, strony: 44013), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Heavy Glueballs: Status and Large-$N_{\rm c}$ Widths Estimate
Academic press:
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10 (2017) 1021 (rok: 2017, tom: 10, strony: 1021), Wydawca: APPB
How the axial anomaly controls flavor mixing among mesons
F. Giacosa, A. Koenigstein and R. D. Pisarski,
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 91901), Wydawca: APS Physics
Influence of the axial anomaly on the decay $N(1535) \rightarrow N\eta $
L. Olbrich, M. Zétényi, F. Giacosa and D. H. Rischke
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 14007), Wydawca: APS Physics
Radially excited $\psi$ mesons and the $Y$ enhancements
Academic press:
Proceedings of Science (rok: 2018, tom: 105, strony: brak), Wydawca: SISSA
The light scalar $K_{0}^{\ast}(700)$ in the vacuum and at nonzero temperature
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceeding supplement (rok: 2019, tom: 12 No2, strony: 283), Wydawca: APPB
A study of the excited radial vector meson $\rho$
M. Piotrowska and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
Proceedings of Sicence (rok: 2018, tom: Hadron2017, strony: 237), Wydawca: Sissa
Excited Scalar and Pseudoscalar Mesons in the Extended Linear Sigma Model
D. Parganlija and F. Giacosa
Academic press:
Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no.7, 450 (rok: 2017, tom: 77, strony: 450), Wydawca: springer
Excited vector mesons: phenomenology and predictions for a yet unknown vector $s\bar{s}$ state with a mass of about 1.93 GeV
M. Piotrowska and F. Giacosa,
Academic press:
EPJ Web Conf. (rok: 2018, tom: 182, strony: 2097), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Low-energy limit of the extended Linear Sigma Model
F. Divotgey, P. Kovacs, F. Giacosa and D. H. Rischke
Academic press:
European Physical Journal A (rok: 2018, tom: 54, strony: 5), Wydawca: Springer
Neutron stars in the large-$N_{c}$ limit
F.~Giacosa and G.~Pagliara,
Academic press:
Nucl. Phys. A 968 (2017) 366 (rok: 2017, tom: 968, strony: 366), Wydawca: elsevier
On the origin of the $Y(4260)$
S. Coito and F. Giacosa
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica B (rok: 2020, tom: brak, strony: brak), Wydawca: APPB (Polska Akademia Umiejętności,Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
Decays of the vector glueball
F. Giacosa, J. Sammet and S. Janowski
Academic press:
Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) no.11, 114004 (rok: 2017, tom: 95, strony: 114004), Wydawca: APS physics
Modelling glueballs
Academic press:
EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 01009 (rok: 2016, tom: 130, strony: 1009), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Role of a four-quark and a glueball state in pion-pion and pion-nucleon scattering
P. Lakaschus, J. L. P. Mauldin, F. Giacosa and D. H. Rischke
Academic press:
Physical review C (rok: 2019, tom: 99 no. 4, strony: 45203), Wydawca: American physical Society