Can Particulate Matter and Nano Metal Oxide Particles Affect the Redox Cycling of Nitrosylcobalamin in Weakly Acidic Aqueous Solution?
J. Polaczek, G. Stochel, R. van Eldik
Academic press:
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (rok: 2021, tom: 2021, strony: 2325–2333), Wydawca: Wiley-VCH GmbH
Physicochemical Analysis of Water Extracts of Particulate Matter from Polluted Air in the Area of Kraków, Poland
M. Mikrut, W. Macyk, R. van Eldik, G. Stochel
Academic press:
Atmosphere (rok: 2021, tom: 12 art. 565, strony: 45307), Wydawca: MDPI
Urban Particulate Matter-Induced Decomposition of S-Nitrosoglutathione Relevant to Aberrant Nitric Oxide Biological Signaling
Maria Oszajca, Anna Wądołek, James Hooper, Małgorzata Brindell, Rudi van Eldik, Grażyna Stochel
Academic press:
ChemSusChem (rok: 2019, tom: 12, strony: 661-671), Wydawca: Wiley
Air particulate matter SRM 1648a primes macrophages to hyperinflammatory response after LPS stimulation
Anna Gawda, Grzegorz Majka, Bernadeta Nowak, Małgorzata Śróttek, Maria Walczewska, Janusz Marcinkiewicz
Academic press:
Inflammation Research (rok: 2018, tom: 67, strony: 765-776), Wydawca: Springer
Influence of aqueous extracts of urban air pollution on the structure and function of human serum albumin
Olga Mazuryk, Przemysław Gajda-Morszewski, Monika Flejszar, Przemysław Łabuz, Rudi van Eldik, Grażyna Stochel, Małgorzata Brindell
Academic press:
Environmental Pollution (rok: 2020, tom: 263, strony: art. 114667, 1-8), Wydawca: Elsevier
Inorganic reaction mechanisms. A personal journey
C. D. Hubbard, D. Chatterjee, M. Oszajca, J. Polaczek, O. Impert, M. Chrzanowska, A. Katafias, R. Puchta, R. van Eldik
Academic press:
Dalton Transaction (rok: 2020, tom: 49, strony: 4599-4659), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
Lepiej poznać, by lepiej leczyć – zwierzęce modele stwardnienia rozsianego
Jankowska Monika, Irena Nalepa
Academic press:
Wszechświat (rok: 2018, tom: 119, nr 10-12, strony: 244-254), Wydawca: Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodników im. Kopernika
Variations in reactive oxygen species generation by inorganic and organic fractions of particulate matter in lung epithelial cells
Olga Mazuryk, Grażyna Stochel, Małgorzata Brindell
Academic press:
Frontiers in Chemistry (rok: 2020, tom: 8, strony: art. nr 581752, 1-20), Wydawca: Frontiers
Air pollution, oxidative stress, and exacerbation of autoimmune diseases
A.Gawda, G. Majka, B. Nowak, J. Marcinkiewicz
Academic press:
Central European Journal of Immunology (rok: 2017, tom: 42(3), strony: 305-312), Wydawca: Termedia Publishing House
Influence of Krakow Winter and Summer Dusts on the Redox Cycling of Vitamin B12a in the Presence of Ascorbic Acid
J. Polaczek, A. Jodłowska, G. Stochel, R. van Eldik
Academic press:
Atmosphere (rok: 2021, tom: 12 art. 1050, strony: 45303), Wydawca: MDPI
Metabolic Response of RAW 264.7 Macrophages to Exposure to Crude Particulate Matter and a Reduced Content of Organic Matter
Jankowska-Kieltyka M., Roman A., Mikrut M., Kowalska M., van Eldik R., Nalepa I.
Academic press:
Toxics (rok: 2021, tom: 9 art. 205, strony: 45308), Wydawca: MDPI
The air we breathe: air pollution as a prevalent proinflammatory stimulus contributing to neurodegeneration
Monika Jankowska-Kieltyka, Adam Roman, Irena Maria Nalepa
Academic press:
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, section Cellular Neuropathology (rok: 2021, tom: 15 art. 647643, strony: 45310), Wydawca: Frontiers
Chemical composition of submicron and fine particulate matter collected in Krakow, Poland. Consequences for the APARIC project
L. Samek, L. Furman, M. Mikrut, A. Regiel-Futyra, W. Macyk, G. Stochel, R. van Eldik
Academic press:
Chemosphere (rok: 2017, tom: 187, strony: 430-439), Wydawca: Elsevier
Inhaled silica nanoparticles exacerbate atherosclerosis through skewing macrophage polarization towards M1 phenotype
K. Stachyra, A. Wiśniewska, A. Kiepura, K. Kuś, F. Rolski, K. Czepiel, Ł. Chmura, G. Majka, M. Surmiak, J. Polaczek, R. van Eldik, M. Suski, R. Olszanecki
Academic press:
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (rok: 2022, tom: 230 art. 113112, strony: 45303), Wydawca: Elsevier
The influence of redox-active transition metal containing micro- and nano-particles on the properties of representative bioinorganic reaction systems
Mirjana Djurovic, Maria Oszajca, Grazyna Stochel, and Rudi van Eldik
Academic press:
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (rok: 2018, tom: brak, strony: 1229-1235), Wydawca: Wiley
Air pollution and atherosclerosis — a brief review of mechanistic links between atherogenesis and biological actions of inorganic part of particulate matter
K. Stachyra, A. Kiepura, R. Olszanecki
Academic press:
FOLIA MEDICA CRACOVIENSIA (rok: 2017, tom: LVII(3), strony: 37-46), Wydawca: PubMed Journals
Bioinorganic antimicrobial strategies in the resistance era
A. Regiel-Futyra, J.M. Dąbrowski, O. Mazuryk, K. Śpiewak, A. Kyzioł, B. Pucelik, M. Brindell, G. Stochel
Academic press:
Coord. Chem. Rev. (rok: 2017, tom: 351, strony: 76-117), Wydawca: Elsevier
Generation of hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen by particulate matter and its inorganic components
Magdalena Mikrut, Anna Regiel-Futyra, Lucyna Samek, Wojciech Macyk, Grażyna Stochel, Rudi van Eldik
Academic press:
Environmental Pollution (rok: 2018, tom: 238, strony: 638-646), Wydawca: Elsevier
Spectroscopic Evidence for Ligand Substitution Reactions at the Solid– Liquid Interface of a Sub-micrometer Gold(I) Carbene Complex
D.Langford, M. Durovic´, M. Oszajca, J. Kuncewicz, R.van Eldik
Academic press:
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. (rok: 2018, tom: 57, strony: 663-667), Wydawca: Wiley
Transition Metal Containing Particulate Matter Promotes Th1 and Th17 Inflammatory Response by Monocyte Activation in Organic and Inorganic Compounds Dependent Manner
Adrianna Gałuszka, Małgorzata Stec, Kazimierz Węglarczyk, Anna Kluczewska, Maciej Siedlar, Jarek Baran
Academic press:
Int. J. Environmental Research and Public Health (rok: 2020, tom: 17, 1227, strony: 45308), Wydawca: Hindawi
Generation of hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen by particulate matter. Chemical composition, morphology and potential health hazard
Magdalena Mikrut, Olga Mazuryk, Wojciech Macyk, Rudi van Eldik, Grażyna Stochel
Academic press:
Environmental Pollution (rok: 2020, tom: brak, strony: brak), Wydawca: Elsevier