Excitation energy dependence of initial phase shift in Kerr rotation of resident electron spin polarization in a CdTe single quantum well
Yan L. , Takamure T. , Kaji R. , Karczewski G. , Takeyama S. , Adachi S.
Academic press:
Physica Status Solidi B (rok: 2017, tom: 254, strony: 1600449), Wydawca: Viley-Vch Verlag GmbH
High-resolution Two-Dimensional Optical Spectroscopy of Electron Spins
Salewski M. , Poltavtsev S.V. , Yugova I.A. , Karczewski G. , Wiater M. , Wojtowicz T. , Yakovlev D.R. , Akimov I.A. , Meier T. , Bayer M
Academic press:
Physical Review X (rok: 2017, tom: 7, strony: 031030-1-11), Wydawca: American Physical Soceiety
Infrared Reflection Spectra of Pb1-xSnxSe Topological Insulator Films on a ZnTe/GaAs substrate and the Vibrational Modes of Multilayer Structures
Novikowa N.N., YakovlevV.A., Kucherenko I.V., Vinogradov V.S., Karczewski g., Chusnutdinow S.
Academic press:
Semiconductors (rok: 2017, tom: 52, strony: 34), Wydawca: Springer Varlag
Interfacial Ferromagnetism in a Co/CdTe Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Quantum Well Hybrid Structure
I. V. Kalitukha, M. SalewskiI. A. Akimov, V. L. Korenev, V. F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz,Yu. G. Kusrayev, M. Bayer
Academic press:
Physics of the Solid State (rok: 2018, tom: 60, strony: 1578-1581), Wydawca: Pleiades Publishing
Monte Carlo simulations of morphological transitions in PbTe/CdTe immiscible material systems
Mińkowski M. , Załuska-Kotur M. , Turski Ł.A. , Karczewski G.
Academic press:
Journal of Applied Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 120, strony: 124305), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Nanosecond spin coherence of excitons bound to acceptors in a CdTe quantum well
Grinberg P. , Bernardot F. , Eble B. , Karczewski G. , Testelin C. , Chamarro M.,
Academic press:
Journal of Applied Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 119, strony: 123906), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Optical orientation of hole magnetic polarons in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells"
Zhukov A. , Kusrayev Y.G. , Kavokin A. , Yakovlev D.R. , Debus J. , Schwan A. , Akimov I.A. , Karczewski G. , Wojtowicz T. , Kossut J. , Bayer M.
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 245305), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Optical properties of zinc telluride with cadmium telluride submonolayers
Agekyan V.F. , Serov A.Y. , Filosofov N.G. , Shtrom I. , Karczewski G.,
Academic press:
Physics of the Solid State (rok: 2016, tom: 58, strony: 2109), Wydawca: Springer
Resonantly enhanced spin-lattice relaxation of Mn 2 + ions in diluted magnetic (Zn,Mn)Se/(Zn,Be)Se quantum wells
J. Debus, 1 , * V. Yu. Ivanov, 2 S. M. Ryabchenko, 3 D. R. Yakovlev, 1 , 4 A. A. Maksimov, 5 Yu. G. Semenov, 6 D. Braukmann, 1 J. Rautert, 1 U. L ̈ ow, 7 M. Godlewski, 2 A. Waag, 8 and M. Bayer
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 195307), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Routing the emission of a near-surface light source by a magnetic field
F. Spitzer , A. N. Poddubny , I. A. Akimov , V. F. Sapega , L. Klompmaker , L. E. Kreilkamp , L. V. Litvin, R. Jede , G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer
Academic press:
Nature Physics (rok: 2018, tom: 14, strony: 1043-1048), Wydawca: nature.com
Symmetry properties of n-doped (Cd,Mn)Te quantum well photoluminescence spectra: An exemplary evidence for anisotropy-induced valence-band mixing
Koudinov A.V. , Kehl C. , Astakhov G.V. , Geurts J. , Wojtowicz T. , Karczewski G.,
Academic press:
Applied Physics Letters (rok: 2016, tom: 108, strony: 191113), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Temperature Quenching of Intracenter Luminescence of Mn2+ Ions in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Agekyan VF, Serov AY, Filosofov NG, Shtrom IV, Karczewski G
Academic press:
Optics and Spectroscopy (rok: 2016, tom: 121, strony: 507), Wydawca: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1578 USA
Direct measurement of the long-range p−d exchange coupling in a ferromagnet- semiconductor Co/CdMgTe/CdTe quantum well hybrid structure
Akimov I.A. , Salewski M. , Kalitukha I. , Poltavtsev S.V. , Debus J. , Kudlacik D. , Sapega V.F. , Kopteva N. , Kirstein E. , Zhukov E.A. , Yakovlev D.R. , Karczewski G. , Wiater M. , Wojtowicz T., Korenev V. , Kusrayev Y.G. , Bayer M.,
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 184412-1-9), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Exciton and carrier dynamics in ZnTe-Zn(1-x)Mg(x)Te core-shell nanowires
Szymura M. , Kłopotowski Ł. , Mitioglu A.A. , Wojnar P. , Karczewski G. , Wojtowicz T. , Maude D.K. , Płochocka P. , Kossut J
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 155429), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Long-range p-d exchange interaction in a ferromagnet-semiconductor hybrid structure
Korenev V. , Salewski M. , Akimov I.A. , Sapega V.F. , Langer L. , Kalitukha I. , Debus J. , Dzhioev R. , Yakovlev D.R. , Muller D. , Schroder C. , Hovel H. , Karczewski G. , Wiater M. , Wojtowicz T. , Kusrayev Y.G. , Bayer M.,
Academic press:
Nature Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 12, strony: 85-91), Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
Spin precession and spin waves in a chiral electron gas: Beyond Larmor's theorem
Karimi S. , Baboux F. , Perez F. , Ullrich C.A. , Karczewski G. , Wojtowicz T.,
Academic press:
Physical Rewiev B (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 045301-1-14), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Persistent spin helix manipulation by optical doping of a CdTe quantum well
F. Passmann, 1 S. Anghel, 1 T. Tischler, 1 A. V. Poshakinskiy, 2 S. A. Tarasenko, 2 G. Karczewski, 3 T. Wojtowicz, 3 , 4 A. D. Bristow, 1 , 5 and M. Betz
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 201413(R)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Damping of Rabii oscillations in intensity- dependent photon echos from exciton complexes in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te single quantum wells
Poltavtsev S.V. , Reichelt M. , Akimov I.A. , Karczewski G. , Wiater M. , Wojtowicz T. , Yakovlev D.R. , Meier T. , Bayer M.,
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 075306-1-7), Wydawca: ASmerican Physical Society
Light emission from CdTe based quantum well structures with embedded ultrathin MnTe layers
Agekyan V.F. , Filosofov N.G. , Karczewski G. , Serov A.Y.
Academic press:
Journal of Luminescence (rok: 2016, tom: 176, strony: 331), Wydawca: Elsevier
Series of fractional peaks in multiple paramagnetic resonance Raman scattering by CdMnTe quantum wells
Koudinov A.V., Knapp A., Karczewski G., Guerts J.,
Academic press:
Physical Rewiev B (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 241303(R)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Single-beam optical measurement of spin dynamics in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells
F. Saeed, M. Kuhnert, I. A. Akimov, V. L. Korenev, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, A. Ali, A. S. Bhatti, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2018, tom: 98, strony: 75308), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Self-organization process in crystalline PbTe/CdTe multilayer structures: Experiment and Monte Carlo simulations
MarcinMarcin Minkowski , Magdalena A. Załuska- Kotur, Sławomir Kret , Sergi Chusnutdinow , Steffen Schrey eck , Karl Brunner, Laurens W . Molenkamp , Grzegorz Karczewski
Academic press:
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (rok: 2018, tom: 747, strony: 809-814), Wydawca: Elsevier Science
Spin-orbit stiffness of the spin-polarized electron gas
Baboux F. , Perez F. , Ullrich C.A. , Karczewski G. , Wojtowicz T.
Academic press:
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters (rok: 2016, tom: 10, strony: 315), Wydawca: Wiley-VCH
Spin-orbit twisted spin waves: Group velocity control
Perez F. , Baboux F. , Ullrich C.A. , D'Amico I. , Vignale G. , Karczewski G. , Wojtowicz T
Academic press:
Physical Review Letters (rok: 2016, tom: 117, strony: 137204), Wydawca: AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA
Coexistence of optically active radial and axial CdTe insertions in single ZnTe nanowire
Wojnar P. , Płachta J. , Zaleszczyk W. , Kret S. , Sanchez A. , Rudniewski R. , Raczkowska K. , Szymura M. , Karczewski G. , Baczewski L. , Pietruchik A. , Wojtowicz T. , Kossut J
Academic press:
Naoscale (rok: 2016, tom: 8, strony: 5720), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
Electron density magnification of the collective spin-orbit field in quantum wells
F. Baboux, F. Perez, C.A. Ulrich, G. Karczewski, T.Wojtowicz
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 125307), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Kinetic limitation of chemical ordering in Bi(2)Te(3-x)Se(x) layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Schreyeck S. , Brunner K. , Kirchner A. , Bass U. , Grauer S. , Schumacher C. , Gould C. , Karczewski G. , Geurts J. , Molenkamp L.W
Academic press:
Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter (rok: 2016, tom: 28, strony: 145002), Wydawca: IOPscience
Terahertz dynamics of lattice vibrations in Au/CdTe plasmonic crystals: Photoinduced segregation of Te and enhancement of optical response
Kreilkamp L. , Akimov I.A. , Belotelov V. , Glavin B. , Litvin L. , Rudzinski A. , Kahl M. , Jede R. , Wiater M. , Wojtowicz T. , Karczewski G. , Yakovlev D.R. , Bayer M.,
Academic press:
Physical Review B (rok: 2016, tom: 92, strony: 125404), Wydawca: Ammerical Physical Society
Ternary Pb1-xCdxSe films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs/ZnTe hybrid substrates
S. Chusnutdinow*,1, M. Szot1, S. Schreyeck2, M. Aleszkiewicz1, I.V. Kucherenko3, A.V. Muratov3, V.A. Yakovlev4, T. Wojtowicz1,5, and G. Karczewski1,2
Academic press:
Journal of Crystal Growth (rok: 2019, tom: 507, strony: 10), Wydawca: Elsevier