Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Identification of new genes of high risk for melanoma in the Polish population by next-generation sequencing



germline mutations melanoma next-generation sequencing


  • NZ2_1: Molecular genetics


NZ2 - Genetics, genomics: molecular genetics, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, genetic epidemiology

Host institution :

Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie, Wydział Lekarsko-Biotechnologiczny i Medycyny Laboratoryjnej

woj. zachodniopomorskie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

prof. Tadeusz Dębniak 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 6

Call: OPUS 7 - announced on 2014-03-17

Amount awarded: 850 979 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2015-01-27

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2017-09-26

Project duration:: 32 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (2)
  1. BRCA1/2 mutations are not a common cause of malignant melanoma in the Polish population
    Dębniak T, Scott RJ, Górski B, Masojć B, Kram A, Maleszka R, Cybulski C, Paszkowska-Szczur K, Kashyap A, Murawa D, Malińska K, Kiedrowicz M, Rogoża-Janiszewska E, Rudnicka H, Deptuła J, Domagała P, Kluźniak W, Lener MR, Lubiński J.
    Academic press:
    PLoS One (rok: 2018, tom: 4;13(10), strony: 12 s), Wydawca: eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID: 30286154; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6171837.
    10.1371/journal.pone.0204768. - link to the publication
  2. Founder Mutations for Early Onset Melanoma as Revealed by Whole Exome Sequencing Suggests That This is Not Associated with the Increasing Incidence of Melanoma in Poland.
    Dębniak T, Scott RJ, Lea RA, Górski B, Masojć B, Cybulski C, Kram A, Maleszka R, Gromowski T, Paszkowska-Szczur K, Kashyap A, Lener MR, Malińska K, Rogoża E, Murawa D, Rudnicka H, Deptuła J, Lubiński J.
    Academic press:
    Cancer Res Treat (rok: 2019, tom: 51(1), strony: 337-344), Wydawca: PubMed PMID: 29764119; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6333986.
    10.4143/crt.2018.157. - link to the publication