Direct method for measuring and witnessing quantum entanglement of arbitrary two-qubit states through Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
Karol Bartkiewicz, Grzegorz Chimczak, Karel Lemr
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2017, tom: 95, strony: 22331), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Experimental characterization of photon-number noise in Rarity-Tapster-Loudon-type interferometers
Vojtěch Trávníček, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Karel Lemr
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 23847), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Increasing relative nonclassicality quantified by standard entanglement potentials by dissipation and unbalanced beam splitting
Adam Miranowicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, Franco Nori
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 62314), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Bell nonlocality and fully entangled fraction measured in an entanglement-swapping device without quantum state tomography
Karol Bartkiewicz, Karel Lemr, Antonín Černoch, Adam Miranowicz
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2017, tom: 95, strony: 030102(R)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Experimental measurement of collective nonlinear entanglement witness for two qubits
Karel Lemr, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2016, tom: 94, strony: 52334), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Geometrical Bell inequalities for arbitrarily many qudits with different outcome strategies
Marcin Wieśniak, Arijit Dutta, Junghee Ryu
Academic press:
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (rok: 2015, tom: 49, strony: 35302), Wydawca: IOP Publishing
One-state vector formalism for the evolution of a quantum state through nested Mach-Zehnder interferometers
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Dalibor Javůrek, Karel Lemr, Jan Soubusta, Jiří Svozilík
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 12103), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Optimal two-qubit tomography based on local and global measurements: Maximal robustness against errors as described by condition numbers
Adam Miranowicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Jan Perina Jr., Masato Koashi, Nobuyuki Imoto, Franco Nori
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2014, tom: 90, strony: 62123), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Reply to ''Comment on 'One-state vector formalism for the evolution of a quantum state through nested Mach-Zehnder interferometers' ''
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Dalibor Javůrek, Karel Lemr, Jan Soubusta, Jiří Svozilík
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 36104), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Statistical mixtures of states can be more quantum than their superpositions: Comparison of nonclassicality measures for single-qubit states
Adam Miranowicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Anirban Pathak, Jan Perina Jr., Yueh-Nan Chen, Franco Nori
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 42309), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Two methods for measuring Bell nonlocality via local unitary invariants of two-qubit systems in Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometers
Karol Bartkiewicz, Grzegorz Chimczak
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 12107), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Experimental implementation of optimal linear-optical controlled-unitary gates
Karel Lemr, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Miloslav Dušek, Jan Soubusta
Academic press:
Physical Review Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 114, strony: 153602), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Creating a switchable optical cavity with controllable quantum-state mapping between two modes
Grzegorz Chimczak, Karol Bartkiewicz, Zbigniew Ficek, Ryszard Tanaś
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2018, tom: 8, strony: 14740), Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Grzegorz Chimczak, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori
Academic press:
npj Quantum Information (rok: 2017, tom: 3, strony: s41534-017-0010-x), Wydawca: Springer Nature
Measuring evolution of a photon in an interferometer with spectrally resolved modes
Marek Bula, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Dalibor Javůrek, Karel Lemr, Václav Michálek, Jan Soubusta
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2016, tom: 94, strony: 52106), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Quantifying entanglement of a two-qubit system via measurable and invariant moments of its partially transposed density matrix
Karol Bartkiewicz, Jiří Beran, Karel Lemr, Michał Norek, Adam Miranowicz
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 22323), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Temporal steering and security of quantum key distribution with mutually unbiased bases against individual attacks
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 62345), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Experimental temporal quantum steering
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2016, tom: 6, strony: 38076), Wydawca: Springer Nature
Method for universal detection of two-photon polarization entanglement
Karol Bartkiewicz, Paweł Horodecki, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz, Karol Życzkowski
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 32315), Wydawca: American Physical Society
On entanglement of light and Stokes parameters
Marek Żukowski, Wiesław Laskowski, Marcin Wieśniak
Academic press:
Physica Scripta (rok: 2016, tom: 91, strony: 84001), Wydawca: IOP Publishing
Priority Choice Experimental Two-Qubit Tomography: Measuring One by One All Elements of Density Matrices
Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2016, tom: 6, strony: 19610), Wydawca: Springer Nature