Melting of Eutectic Mixtures in Silica and Carbon Nanopores
M.Śliwińska-Bartkowiak, M.Jażdżewska, M.Trafas, M.Kaczmarek-Klinowska, K.E.Gubbins
Academic press:
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA (rok: 2015, tom: 60, strony: 3093-3100), Wydawca: ACS publications
Phase transitions of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane confined inside aluminosilicate and silicate nanoporous matrices
A.Sterczyńska, A. Deryło-Marczewska, M.Śliwińska-Bartkowiak, J.Piotrowska, M.Jurek, K.Domin
Academic press:
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (rok: 2014, tom: 118, strony: 263-276), Wydawca: Springer
Resistivity switching in activated carbon fibers
Academic press:
Materials Letters (rok: 2018, tom: 230, strony: 180-182), Wydawca: Elsevier
Influence of microroughness on the wetting properties of nano-porous silica matrices
M.Śliwińska-Bartkowiak, A.Sterczyńska, Y.Long, K.E.Gubbins
Academic press:
Molecular Physics (Invited article) (rok: 2014, tom: 112, strony: 2365-2371), Wydawca: Taylor&Francis
EPR and Impedance Measurements of Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide
M. Kempinski, S. Łos, P. Florczak, W. Kempinski, S. Jurga
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica A (rok: 2017, tom: 132, strony: 81-85), Wydawca: POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS, AL LOTNIKOW 32-46, PL-02-668 WARSAW, POLAND
X-ray study of the molecular structure and of the internal ordering degree in 1,3,5etri-tert-butylbenzene at 363 K
Henryk Drozdowski * , Tomasz Hałas, Małgorzata Śliwińska-Bartkowiak
Academic press:
Journal of Molecular Structure (rok: 2017, tom: 1148, strony: 322-327), Wydawca: Elsevier
Electrical Characterization of Ammonia Carbon-Based Sensors
M. Kościński, M.Seredych, T.Bandosz, M.Sliwińska-Bartkowiak
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica A (rok: 2015, tom: 128, strony: 182-184), Wydawca: POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS
Structural properties of ice in confinement
M. Jażdżewska,K.Domin,M.Śliwińska-Bartkowiak,⁎, A.I. Beskrovnyi,D.M.Chudobaa,T.V. Nagornab, K. Ludzikb,D.S.Neov
Academic press:
Journal of Molecular Liquids (rok: 2019, tom: 283, strony: 167-173), Wydawca: Elsevier
Structure of Ice in Confinement: Water in Mesoporous Carbons
Kamila Domin,†,‡ Kwong-Yu Chan,§ Hoi Yung,§ Keith E. Gubbins,∥ Marcin Jarek,‡ Angelina Sterczynska,† and Malgorzata Sliwinska-Bartkowiak*,†
Academic press:
Journal of Chemical Engineering Data (rok: 2016, tom: 61, strony: 4252-4260), Wydawca: ACS Publications
X-ray diffraction study of structure and molecular correlations in liquid 1,3,5–triphenylbenzene at 473 K
H. Drozdowski, M.Śliwińska-Bartkowiak
Academic press:
arXiv: 1908.02165 (2019); 7 sierpień 2019 (rok: 2019, tom: 1908,02165, strony: 45305), Wydawca: - Cornell University
Surface Properties of Al-Functionalized Mesoporous MCM-41 and the Melting Behavior of Water in Al-MCM-41 Nanopores
Angelina Sterczyńska, Anna Deryło-Marczewska, Malgorzata Zienkiewicz-Strzałka, Małgorzata Sliwińska-Bartkowiak, Kamila Domin
Academic press:
Langmuir (rok: 2017, tom: 33, strony: 11203-11216), Wydawca: AMER CHEMICAL SOC
Surface Properties of Synthesized Nanoporous Carbon and Silica Matrices
A.Sterczyńska, M.Sliwinska-Bartkowiak, M.Zienkiewicz Strzałko, A.Derylo-Marczewska
Academic press:
Jove , Journal of Visualized Experiments (rok: 2019, tom: 145, strony: e58395 - e58411), Wydawca: Jove Cambridge Mass.
Wetting of Nanostructurized Sapphire and Gold Surfaces
M. Kempinski, J. Jenczyk, S. Jurga, M. Sliwinska-Bartkowiak
Academic press:
Acta Physica Polonica A (rok: 2017, tom: 132, strony: 185-188), Wydawca: POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS, AL LOTNIKOW 32-46, PL-02-668 WARSAW, POLAND
The application of new instrument and X-Ray diffraction in the studies of soft materials
Henryk Drozdowski*, Małgorzata Śliwińska-Bartkowiak, Tomasz Hałas,
Academic press:
RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (rok: 2016, ), Wydawca: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND
The impact of adsorption on the localization of spins in graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide, observed with electron paramagnetic resonance
M.Kempinski, P.Florczk, S. Jurga, M.Sliwinska-Bartkowiak
Academic press:
Applied Physics Letters (rok: 2017, tom: 111, strony: 23), Wydawca: American Institute of Physics
Graphene material prepared by thermal reduction of the electrochemically synthesized graphite oxide
B. Gurzeda,a P. Florczak,b M. Wiesner, M. Kempinski, S. Jurga and P. Krawczyk*a
Academic press:
RCS Advances (rok: 2016, tom: 6, strony: 63058-63063), Wydawca: The Royal Society of Chemistry
Perspective. Surface-Driven High- Pressure Processing
Keith E. Gubbins , Kai Gu, Liangliang Huang*, Yun Long, J. Matthew Mansell, Erik E. Santiso*, Kaihang Shi, Małgorzata Śliwińska-Bartkowiak and Deepti Srivastava
Academic press:
Engineering, (Invited article) (rok: 2018, tom: 4, strony: 311-320), Wydawca: Elsevier
Structure of ice confined in carbon and silica nanopores
M. Jażdżewskaa, M. Śliwińska-Bartkowiak, K. Domin, D.M. Chudoba, A.I. Beskrovnyi, D.S.Neov, K.E.Gubbins
Academic press:
Bulletin of Materials Science (rok: 2019, tom: 42:184, strony: 45298), Wydawca: Indian Academy of Sciences