Projects funded by the NCN

Information on the principal investigator and host institution

Information of the project and the call



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Variability of the Russian Arctic and Subarctic climate in the last three hundred years



Arctic historical climatology climate reconstruction reanalysis


  • ST10_3: Physics of the Earth's interior, seismology, geomagnetism, Earth's gravity field


ST10 - Earth sciences: Earth system science, atmospheric sciences, climatology, geochemistry, geodesy, geoecology, geophysics, physical geography, geoinformatics, planetary geology, pedology, mining, chemical and physical oceanology, environmental protection

Host institution :

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Wydział Nauk o Ziemi

woj. kujawsko-pomorskie

Other projects carried out by the institution 

Principal investigator (from the host institution):

dr Przemysław Wyszyński 

Number of co-investigators in the project: 3

Call: OPUS 4 - announced on 2012-09-15

Amount awarded: 509 010 PLN

Project start date (Y-m-d): 2013-08-08

Project end date (Y-m-d): 2017-06-07

Project duration:: 46 months (the same as in the proposal)

Project status: Project settled

Equipment purchased [PL]

  1. Oprogramowanie Grapher 9 lub nowsza wersja firmy Golden Software (2 000 PLN)
  2. Aktualizacja oprogramowania, np. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Statistica, EndNote (1 750 PLN)
  3. Dysk zewnętrzny.
  4. Oprogramowanie statystyczne - XLSTAT-Pro i XLSTAT-Time.
  5. Komputer przenośny ze stacją dokującą (np. Dell Latitude lub Lenovo ThinkPad) i podstawowym wyposażeniem (2 szt.) (11 000 PLN)

Information in the final report

  • Publication in academic press/journals (7)
  • Articles in post-conference publications (2)
  1. A comparison of bioclimatic conditions on Franz Josef Land (the Arctic) between the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century and present day
    Araźny A., Wyszyński P., Przybylak R.
    Academic press:
    Theoretical and Applied Climatology (rok: 2019, tom: n.d., strony: 45307), Wydawca: Springer
    10.1007/s00704-018-02763-y - link to the publication
  2. Evaluation of 20CR reanalysis data and model results based on historical (1930-1940) observations from Franz Josef Land
    Klaus D., Wyszyński P., Dethloff K., Przybylak R., Rinke A.
    Academic press:
    Polish Polar Research (rok: 2018, tom: 39, strony: 225-254), Wydawca: Polish Academy of Sciences
    10.24425/118747 - link to the publication
  3. Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements for version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system
    Slivinski L. C., Compo G. P., Whitaker J. S., Sardeshmukh P. D., Giese B., McColl C., Brohan P., Allan R., Yin X., Vose R., Titchner H., Kennedy J., Rayner N., Spencer L. J., Ashcroft L., Bronnimann S., Brunet M., Camuffo D., Cornes R., Cram T. A., Crouthamel R., Dominguez-Castro F., Freeman J. E., Gergis J., Hawkins E., Jones P. D., Jourdain S., Kaplan A., Kubota H., Le Blancq F., Lee T. C., Lorrey A., Luterbacher J., Maugeri M., Mock C. J., Moore K., Przybylak R., Pudmenzky C., Reason C., Slonosky V. C., Smith C., Tinz B., Trewin B., Valente M. A., Wang X. L., Wilkinson C., Wood K., Wyszyński P.
    Academic press:
    Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (rok: 2019, tom: n.d., strony: n.d.), Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    Accepted for publication
    10.1002/qj.3598 - link to the publication
  4. Air temperature in Novaya Zemlya Archipelago and Vaygach Island from 1832 to 1920 in the light of early instrumental data
    Przybylak R., Wyszyński P.
    Academic press:
    International Journal of Climatology (rok: 2017, tom: 37, strony: 3491-3508), Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    10.1002/joc.4934 - link to the publication
  5. Air temperature variations and gradients along the coast and fjords of western Spitsbergen
    Herdis M. Gjelten, Øyvind Nordli, Ketil Isaksen, Eirik J. Førland, Pavel N. Sviashchennikov, Przemysław Wyszyński, Uliana V. Prokhorova, Rajmund Przybylak, Boris V. Ivanov, Alexandra V. Urazgildeeva
    Academic press:
    Polar Research (rok: 2016, tom: 35, strony: 45304), Wydawca: Co-Action Publishing
    10.3402/polar.v35.29878 - link to the publication
  6. Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory
    Brönnimann S., Allan R., Ashcroft L., Baer S., Barriendos M., Brázdil R., Brugnara Y., Brunet M., Brunetti M., Chimani B., Cornes R., Domínguez-Castro F., Filipiak J., Founda D., Gergis J., Grab S., Hannak L., García Herrera R., Huhtamaa H., Jacobsen K. S., Jones P., Jourdain S., Kiss A., Lin K. E., Lorrey A., Lundstad E., Luterbacher J., Moberg A., Mauelshagen F., Maugeri M., Maughan N., Neukom R., Nicholson S., Noone S., Nordli Ø., Ólafsdóttir K. B., Pearce P. R., Pfister L., Pribyl K., Przybylak R., Pudmenzky C., Rasol D., Reichenbach D., Řezníčková L., Rodrigo F. S., Rohde R., Rohr C., Skrynyk O., Slonosky V., Thorne P., Valente M. A., Vaquero J. M. Westcottt N. E., Williamson F., Wyszyński P.
    Academic press:
    Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (rok: 2019, tom: n.d., strony: n.d.), Wydawca: American Meteorological Society
  7. Variability of humidity conditions in the Arctic during the first International Polar Year, 1882-83
    Wyszyński P., Przybylak R.
    Academic press:
    Polar Research (rok: 2014, tom: 33, strony: 45307), Wydawca: Co-Action Publishing
    10.3402/polar.v33.23896 - link to the publication
  1. Development of early-instrumental meteorological databases as exemplified by marine data around Sptisbergen and Novaya Zemlya
    Tomasz Strzyżewski, Przemysław Wyszyński, Rajmund Przybylak
    2nd International Conference "Polar Climate and Environmental Change in the Last Millennium" (rok: 2015, ), Wydawca: Nicolaus Copernicus University
    konferencja 24-26.08.2015
  2. Meteorological conditions in Novaya Zemlya in the early instrumental period
    Przemysław Wyszyński, Rajmund Przybylak, Tomasz Strzyżewski,
    2nd International Conference "Polar Climate and Environmental Change in the Last Millennium" (rok: 2015, ), Wydawca: Nicolaus Copernicus University
    konferencja 24-26.08.2015