Broadband supercontinuum generation in normal dispersion all-solid photonic crystal fiber pumped near 1300 nm
G Stepniewski, M Klimczak, H Bookey, B Siwicki, D Pysz, R Stepien, A K Kar, A J Waddie, M R Taghizadeh and R Buczynski
Academic press:
Laser Physics Letters (rok: 2014, tom: 11, strony: 055103-055108), Wydawca: IOP Publishing
Dispersion engineering in nonlinear soft glass photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with liquids
J. Pniewski, T. Stefaniuk, H. Le Van, V. Cao Long, L. Chu Van, R. Kasztelanic, G. Stepniewski, A. Ramaniuk, M. Trippenbach, R. Buczynski
Academic press:
Applied Optics (rok: 2016, tom: 55(19), strony: 5033-5040), Wydawca: OSA Publishing
Power-induced evolution and increased dimensionality of nonlinear modes in reorientational soft matter
Urszula A. Laudyn, Paweł S. Jung, Krzysztof B. Zegadło, Miroslaw A. Karpierz and Gaetano Assanto
Academic press:
Optics Letters (rok: 2014, tom: 39, strony: 6399-6402), Wydawca: OSA
Quasi two-dimensional astigmatic soliton in soft chiral metastrucures
U. A. Laudyn, P. S. Jung, M. A. Karpierz, G. Assanto
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2016, tom: 6, strony: 22923), Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of self-trapped and leaky modes in quasi-double-well potentials
Krzysztof B. Zegadlo, Nir Dror, Marek Trippenbach, Miroslaw A. Karpierz and Boris A. Malomed
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 023644-023644(12)), Wydawca: APS Journal
Stack and draw fabrication of soft glass microstructured fiber optics
D. Pysz, I. Kujawa, R. Stępień, M. Klimczak, A. Filipkowski, M. Franczyk, L. Kociszewski, J. Buźniak, K. Haraśny, R. Buczyński
Academic press:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science Technical Studies (rok: 2014, tom: 62(4), strony: 667-683), Wydawca: De Gruyter
Synthesis and properties of new non-symmetric 2,5-bis(4- alkylphenylethynyl)thiophenes
J. Herman, O. Chojnowska, P. Harmata, R. Dąbrowski, B. W. Klus, P. Kula
Academic press:
Liquid Crystals (rok: 2014, tom: 1,71597222222222, strony: 1647-1652), Wydawca: Taylor and Francis
Temperature sensitivity of chromatic dispersion in nonlinear silica and heavy metal oxide glass photonic crystal fibers
G. Stepniewski, R. Kasztelanic, D. Pysz, R. Stepien, M. Klimczak, R. Buczynski
Academic press:
Optical Materials Express (rok: 2016, tom: 6(8), strony: 2689-2703), Wydawca: OSA Pubishing
Atom laser based on four-wave mixing with Bose-Eistein condensates in nonlinear lattices
T. Wasak, V. V. Konotop, M. Trippenach
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2014, tom: 88, strony: 63626), Wydawca: APS Journal
Four-wave mixing with Bose-Eistein condensates in nonlinear lattices
T. Wasak, V. V. Konotop, M. Trippenbach
Academic press:
EPL (A letter Journal exploring the frontiers of physics) (rok: 2014, tom: 105, strony: 64002), Wydawca: IOPScience
Nonlinear continous wave optical propagation in nematic liquid crystals: interplay between reorientational and thermal effect
A. Alberucci, U. A. Laudyn, A. Piccardi, M. Kwasny, B. Klus, M. A. Karpierz, G. Assanto
Academic press:
Physical Review E (rok: 2017, tom: 96(1), strony: 012703-1-012703-13), Wydawca: APS Journal
Spatial routing with light-induced waveguides in uniaxial nematic liquid crystals
F. A. Sala, M. A. Karpierz and G. Assanto
Academic press:
J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials (rok: 2014, tom: 23(4), strony: 1450047 - 1450057), Wydawca: World Scientific
Ultrafast multi-wavelength switch based on dynamics of spectrally-shifted solitons in a dual core photonic crystal fiber
Pavol Stajanca, Dariusz Pysz, Giedrius Andriukaitis, Tadas Balciunas, Guangyu Fan, Andrius Baltuska, and Ignac Bugar
Academic press:
Optics Express (rok: 2014, tom: 22, strony: 31092-21101), Wydawca: OSA
Artificially anisotropic core fiber with ultra-flat high birefringence profile
G. Stępniewski, I. Kujawa, M. Klimczak, T. Martynkien, R. Kasztelanic, K. Borzycki, D. Pysz, A. Waddie, B. Salski, R. Stępień, M. R. Taghizadeh and R. Buczyński
Academic press:
Optical Materiasl Express (rok: 2016, tom: 6(5), strony: 1464-1479), Wydawca: OSA Publishing
Coherent supercontinuum generation up to 2.3 μm in all-solid soft-glass photonic crystal fibers with flat all-normal dispersion
Mariusz Klimczak, Bartłomiej Siwicki, Piotr Skibiński, Dariusz Pysz, Ryszard Stępień, Alexander Heidt, Czesław Radzewicz and Ryszard Buczyński
Academic press:
Optics Express (rok: 2014, tom: 22, strony: 18824-18832), Wydawca: OSA
Modulational instability of coupled ring waveguides with linear gain and nonlinear loss
Nguyen Viet Hung, Krzysztof Zegadlo, Aliaksandr Ramaniuk, Vladimir V. Konotop, Marek Trippenbach
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2017, tom: 7, strony: 4089), Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
Nonlinear competition in nematicon propagation
U. A. Laudyn, M. Kwasny, A. Piccardi, M. A. Karpierz, R. Dabrowski, O. Chojnowska, A. Alberucci, G. Assanto
Academic press:
Optics Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 40(22), strony: 5235-5238), Wydawca: OSA
All-optical measurement of elastic constants in nematic liquid crystals
B. Klus, U. A. Laudyn, M. A. Karpierz, B. Sahraoui
Academic press:
Optics Express (rok: 2014, tom: 22, strony: 30257-30266), Wydawca: OSA
Soliton-based ultrafast multi-wavelength nonlinear switching in dual-core photonic crystal fibre
P Stajanca, D Pysz, M Michalka, G Andriukaitis, T Balciunas, G Fan, A Baltuska and I Bugar
Academic press:
Laser Physics (rok: 2014, tom: 24, strony: 065103-065113), Wydawca: IOP Publishing
Super-mode spatial optical soltions in media with competing nonlinearities
P. Jung, W. Krolikowski, U. Laudyn, M. Trippenbach, M. Karpierz
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2017, tom: 95(2), strony: 23820), Wydawca: APS Physics
Symmetry breaking in the collisions of double channel BEC solitons
Nguyen Viet Hung, Pawel Ziń, Eryk Infeld, Marek Trippenbach
Academic press:
Physica D (rok: 2014, tom: 269, strony: 37-41), Wydawca: Elsevier
Dispersion characteristics of suspended core optical fiber infiltrated with water
K. D. Xuan, L. C. Van, V. C. Long, Q. H. Dinh, L. V. Xuan, M. Trippenbach, and R. Buczynski
Academic press:
Applied Optics (rok: 2017, tom: 56(4), strony: 1012-1019), Wydawca: OSA Publishing
Four-wave mixing in a parity-time (PT )-symmetric coupler
Academic press:
Optics Letter (rok: 2015, tom: 40, strony: 5291-5294), Wydawca: OSA
Stabilization of solitons under competing nonlinearities by external potentials
Krzysztof B. Zegadlo, Tomasz Wasak, Boris A. Malomed, Miroslaw A. Karpierz, and Marek Trippenbach
Academic press:
Chaos (rok: 2014, tom: 24, strony: 43136), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Synthesis, mesogenic and dielectric properties of fluorosubstituted isothiocyanatoterphenyls
Łukasz Szczuciński, Roman Dąbrowski, Stanisław Urban, Katarzyna Garbat, Marek Filipowicz, Jerzy Dziaduszek & Michał Czerwiński
Academic press:
Liquid Crystals (rok: 2015, tom: 42, strony: 1706-1729), Wydawca: Taylor and Francis