On the polymer quantization of connection theories: graph coherent states
Mehdi Assanioussi
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2018, tom: 98, strony: 45016), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
A symmetric scalar constraint for loop quantum gravity
J. Lewandowski, H. Sahlmann
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 044022-1, ..., 044022-), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Coherent State Operators in Loop Quantum Gravity
E. Alesci, A. Dapor, J. Lewandowski, I. Mäkinen, J. Sikorski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 104023-1, ..., 104023-21), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Emergent de Sitter epoch of the quantum Cosmos
Mehdi Assanioussi, Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener, Tomasz Pawlowski
Academic press:
Physical Review Letters (rok: 2018, tom: 121, strony: 81303), Wydawca: American Physical Society (US)
New scalar constraint operator for loop quantum gravity
M. Assanioussi, J. Lewandowski, I. Mäkinen
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 044042-1, ... 044042-9), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Quantum Reference Frames via Transition Amplitudes in Timeless Quantum Gravity
Jerzy Lewandowski, Chun-Yen Lin
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2018, tom: -98, strony: 26023), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Quantum reduced loop gravity: Universe on a lattice
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 084065-1, ..., 084065-13), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Rainbow metric from quantum gravity: Anisotropic cosmology
Mehdi Assanioussi, Andrea Daporr
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2017, tom: 95, strony: 63513), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Singularity resolution from polymer quantum matter
A. Kreienbuehl, T. Pawłowski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 043504-1, ... 043504-13), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Asymptotic analysis of the EPRL model with timelike tetrahedra
Wojciech Kamiński, Marcin Kisielowski, Hanno Sahlmann
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2018, tom: 35, strony: 135012), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Emergent de Sitter epoch of the Loop Quantum Cosmos: a detailed analysis
Mehdi Assanioussi, Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener, Tomasz Pawlowski
Academic press:
Phys. Rev. D 100, 084003 (2019) (rok: 2019, tom: 100, strony: 084003 (51)), Wydawca: American Physical Society (APS)
Exploring the Tomlin-Varadarajan quantum constraints in U(1)^3 loop quantum gravity: Solutions and the Minkowski theorem
Jerzy Lewandowski, Chun-Yen Lin
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2017, tom: 95, strony: 64032), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
General relativity in the radial gauge: Reduced phase space and canonical structure
N. Bodendorfer, J. Lewandowski, J. Świeżewski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 084041-1, ..., 084041-19), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Loop quantum cosmology from quantum reduced loop gravity
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
Europhysics Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 111, strony: 40002-1, ..., 4000-7), Wydawca: EPL ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
Observables for General Relativity related to geometry
P. Duch, W. Kamiński, J. Lewandowski, J. Świeżewski
Academic press:
Journal of High Energy Physics (rok: 2014, tom: 05 (2014), strony: 077-1 … 077-31), Wydawca: SISSA by Springer
Quantum-Reduced Loop Gravity: Cosmology
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 87, strony: 87.083521-1, ... 87.083521-21), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Relational evolution of observables for Hamiltonian-constrained systems
A. Dapor, W. Kamiński, J. Lewandowski, J. Świeżewski
Academic press:
PHYSICAL REVIEW D (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 084007-1, ..., 084007-8), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Symmetries of Trautman retarded radial coordinates
Maciej Kolanowski, Jerzy Lewandowski
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2018, tom: 35, strony: 45010), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Cosmological coherent state expectation values in loop quantum gravity I. Isotropic kinematics
Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2018, tom: 35, strony: 135011), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Loop Quantum Cosmology of a Radiation-Dominated Flat FLRW Universe
T. Pawłowski, R. Pierini, E. Wilson-Ewing
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2014, tom: 90, strony: 123538-1 ... 123538-23), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Neighborhoods of isolated horizons and their stationarity
J. Lewandowski, T. Pawłowski
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2014, tom: 31, strony: 175012-1 … 175012-47), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
One vertex spin-foams with the dipole cosmology boundary
M. Kisielowski, J. Lewandowski, J. Puchta
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2013, tom: 30, strony: 025007-1, ... , 025007-35), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Quantum reduced loop gravity: Semiclassical limit
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
PHYSICAL REVIEW D (rok: 2014, tom: 90, strony: 024006-1… 024006-22), Wydawca: American Physical Society (US)
Quantum theory of electromagnetic fields in a cosmological quantum spacetime
Jerzy Lewandowski, Mohammad Nouri-Zonoz, Ali Parvizi, Yaser Tavakoli
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 106007), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
The Barrett–Crane model: asymptotic measure factor
W. Kamiński, S. Steinhaus
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2013, tom: 31, strony: 075014-1, ... , 075014-14), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
A new perspective on cosmology in Loop Quantum Gravity
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
Europhysics Letters (rok: 2013, tom: 104, strony: 10001-1, ... 10001-5), Wydawca: EPL ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
Coherent 3j-symbol representation for the loop quantum gravity intertwiner space
Emanuele Alesci, Jerzy Lewandowski, Ilkka Mäkinen
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2016, tom: 94, strony: 084028-1...084028-18), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Coherent states, 6j symbols and properties of the next to leading order asymptotic expansions
W. Kamiński, S. Steinhausy
Academic press:
Journal of Mathematical Physics (rok: 2013, tom: 54, strony: 121703-1, ... , 121703-55), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Continuum approach to the BF vacuum: The U(1) case
Patryk Drobiński, Jerzy Lewandowski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 126011), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Matrix Elements of Lorentzian Hamiltonian Constraint in LQG
E. Alesci, K. Liegener, A. Zipfel
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 084043-1, ... 084043-28), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Observer's observables. Residual diffeomorphisms
P. Duch, J. Lewandowski, J. Świeżewski
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2017, tom: 34, strony: 125009), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
QFT on quantum spacetime: A compatible classical framework
A. Dapor, J. Lewandowski, J. Puchta
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 87, strony: 104038-1, ... 104038-22), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Quantum reduced loop gravity: Extension to scalar fields
J. Bilski, E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 124029-1, ..., 124029-14), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Rainbow metric from quantum gravity
M. Assanioussi, A. Dapor, J. Lewandowski
Academic press:
Physics Letters B (rok: 2015, tom: 751, strony: 302-305), Wydawca: Elsevier
Scalar field as a time variable during gravitational evolution
A. Nakonieczna, J. Lewandowski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 92, strony: 064031-1, ..., 064031-), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Spin-foam model for gravity coupled to massless scalar field
Marcin Kisielowski, Jerzy Lewandowski
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2018, tom: 36, strony: 75006), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Time evolution in deparametrized models of loop quantum gravity
Mehdi Assanioussi, Jerzy Lewandowski, Ilkka Mäkinen
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2017, tom: 96, strony: 24043), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
A quantum reduction to spherical symmetry in loop quantum gravity
N. Bodendorfer, J. Lewandowski, J. Świeżewski
Academic press:
Physics Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 747, strony: 18-21), Wydawca: Elsevier
Addendum: Observables for General Relativity related to geometry
P.Duch, W.Kamiński, J. Lewandowski, J.Świeżewski
Academic press:
Journal of High Energy Physics (rok: 2015, tom: 1504, strony: 4 strony), Wydawca: SISSA by Springer
Curvature operator for loop quantum gravity
E. Alesci, M. Assanioussi, J. Lewandowski
Academic press:
PHYSICAL REVIEW D (rok: 2014, tom: 89, strony: 124017-1… 124017-13), Wydawca: American Physical Society (US)
Discretization independence implies non-locality in 4D discrete quantum gravity
B. Dittrich, W. Kamiński, S. Steinhaus
Academic press:
Classical and Quantum Gravity (rok: 2014, tom: 31, strony: 245009-1 ... 245009-25), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)
Hamiltonian operator for loop quantum gravity coupled to a scalar field
E. Alesci, M. Assanioussi, J. Lewandowski, I. Mäkinen
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 124067-1, ... , 124067-19), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Loop quantum gravity coupled to a scalar field
Jerzy Lewandowski, Hanno Sahlmann
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2016, tom: 93, strony: 24042), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Metric emerging to massive modes in quantum cosmological space-times
A. Dapor, J. Lewandowski
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 87, strony: 063512-1, ... 063512-7), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Perspectives on the dynamics in a loop quantum gravity effective description of black hole interiors
Mehdi Assanioussi, Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2020, tom: 101, strony: 026002 (13)), Wydawca: APS
Emanuele Alesci, Francesco Cianfrani
Academic press:
International Journal of Modern Physics D (rok: 2016, tom: 25, strony: 1642005 (18 stron)), Wydawca: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD
Quantum reduced loop gravity effective Hamiltonians from a statistical regularization scheme
Emanuele Alesci, Gioele Botta, Gabriele V. Stagno
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 46011), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Quantum-Reduced Loop-Gravity: Relation with the Full Theory
E. Alesci, F. Cianfrani, C. Rovelli
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 104001-1, ... 104001-5), Wydawca: American Physical Society (United States)
Relation between Regge calculus and BF theory on manifolds with defects
Marcin Kisielowski
Academic press:
Annales Henri Poincaré (rok: 2018, tom: 20, strony: 1403–1437), Wydawca: ELSEVIER
Separable Hilbert space for loop quantization
J. F. Barbero G., T. Pawłowski , E. J. S. Villasenor
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2014, tom: 90, strony: 067505-1 ... 067505-5), Wydawca: American Physical Society (US)
The algebra of observables in Gaußian normal spacetime coordinates
Norbert Bodendorfer, Paweł Duch, Jerzy Lewandowski, Jędrzej Świeżewski
Academic press:
Journal of High Energy Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 1601, strony: 047-1 ... 047-17), Wydawca: SISSA by Springer
Towards the self-adjointness of a Hamiltonian operator in loop quantum gravity
Cong Zhang, Jerzy Lewandowski, Yongge Ma
Academic press:
Physical Review D (rok: 2018, tom: 98, strony: 86014), Wydawca: IOP Publishing (UK)