Difference in hierarchy of FQHE between monolayer and bilayer graphene
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Physics Letters A (rok: 2015, tom: 379, strony: 2130-2134), Wydawca: Elsevier
Explanation of Comprosite Fermion Structure in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Janusz Jacak, Ryszard Gonczarek, Lucjan Jacak, Ireneusz Jóźwiak,
Academic press:
International Journal of Modern Physics B (rok: 2012, tom: 26, strony: 1230011-1230071), Wydawca: World Scientific
Hierarchy of fillings for the FQHE in monolayer graphene
Patrycja Łydżba, Lucjan Jacak, Janusz Jacak
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (Nature) (rok: 2015, tom: 5, strony: 14287-1-15), Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
On triggering role of carrier mobility for Laughlin state organization
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Pis'ma v ZhETF (rok: 2013, tom: 98, strony: 776-781), Wydawca: International Academic Publishing Company (IAPC) "Nauka/Interperiodica"
Propagation of Collective Surface Plasmons in Linear Periodic Ionic Structures: Plasmon Polariton Mechanism of Saltatory Conduction in Axons
Academic press:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (rok: 2015, tom: 119, strony: 10015-10030), Wydawca: ACS Publications
Topological approach to quantum Hall effects and its important applications: higher Landau levels, graphene and its bilayer
J. Jacak, P. Łydżba, L. Jacak
Academic press:
European Physical Journal B (rok: 2017, tom: 90, strony: 90, p. 1-20), Wydawca: Springer
Unconventional fractional quantum Hall effect in monolayer and bilayer graphene
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (rok: 2016, tom: 17, strony: 149-165), Wydawca: IOP Science
Commensurability Condition and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Hierarchy in Higher Landau Levels
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
JETP Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 102, strony: 19-25), Wydawca: Springer US
Explanation of nu=−1/2 fractional quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Proceedings of the Royal Society A (rok: 2016, tom: 472, strony: 20150330-1-13), Wydawca: The Royal Society
Many-body wave functions for correlated systems in magnetic fields: Monte Carlo simulations in the lowest Landau level
P. Łydzaba and J. Jacak
Academic press:
Journal of Physics CM (rok: 2018, tom: 30, strony: 365601-365617), Wydawca: IOP Publishing
Phase diagrams for super uidity of indirect excitons in double Hall systems GaAs/GaAlAs/GaAs and bilayer-graphene/hBN/bilayer- graphene
Academic press:
EPL (Europhysics Letters) (rok: 2018, tom: 123, strony: 16001-1-16 (with Supplementary Materials)), Wydawca: IOP
Plasmons in Finite Spherical Electrolyte Systems: RPA Effective Jellium Model for Ionic Plasma Excitations
Academic press:
Plasmonics (rok: 2015, tom: 11, strony: 637–651), Wydawca: Springer
Commensurability condition and hierarchy of fillings for FQHE in higher Landau levels in conventional 2DEG systems and in graphene—monolayer and bilayer
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Physica Scripta (rok: 2016, tom: 91, strony: 015802-1-13), Wydawca: IOP Science
Homotopy approach to fractional quantum Hall effect
Janusz Jacak, Patrycja Łydżba, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Applied Mathematics (rok: 2015, tom: 6, strony: 345-358), Wydawca: Scientific Research Publishing
Identifying Particle Correlations in Quantum Hall Systems
Patrycja Łydżba i Janusz Jacak
Academic press:
Annalen der Physik (rok: 2018, tom: 530, strony: 1700221 (1-19)), Wydawca: Wiley-VCH
The Triggering Role of Carrier Mobility in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Formation—An Evidence in Graphene
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Journal of Modern Physics - za zaproszeniem do Special Issue: Topological Insulator and Low Dimensional Quantum Physics (rok: 2013, tom: 4, strony: 1591-1596), Wydawca: Scientific Research Publishing
Topological origin and not purely antisymmetric wave functions of many-body states in the lowest Landau level
P. Łydzba, J. Jacak
Academic press:
Proceedings of the Royal Society A (rok: 2017, tom: 473, strony: 20160758, p. 1-13), Wydawca: The Royal Society
Unconventional fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene
Academic press:
Scientific Reports (rok: 2017, tom: 7, strony: 8720 p. 1-27 (with Supplementary Information)), Wydawca: Nature
Application of path-integral quantization to indistinguishable particle systems topologically confined by a magnetic field
Academic press:
Physical Review A (rok: 2018, tom: 97, strony: 012108 p. 1-11), Wydawca: APS
Fractional quantum Hall effect revisited
Janusz Jacak, Patrycja Łydżba, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Physica B: Condensed Matter (rok: 2015, tom: 475, strony: 122-139), Wydawca: Elsevier
On triggering role of carrier mobility for Laughlin state organization
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
JETP Letters (rok: 2013, tom: 98, strony: 684-688), Wydawca: Springer US
The commensurability condition and fractional quantum Hall effect hierarchy in higher Landau levels
Janusz Jacak, Lucjan Jacak
Academic press:
Pis'ma v ZhETF (rok: 2015, tom: 102, strony: 23-29), Wydawca: International Academic Publishing Company (IAPC) "Nauka/Interperiodica"
Topological model of composite fermions in the cyclotron braid generator picture: New insight
Beata Staśkiewicz
Academic press:
Results in Physics (rok: 2018, tom: 8, strony: 848-861), Wydawca: Elsevier