A new bow-shock source with bipolar morphology in the vicinity of Sgr A*
Peissker, F.; Zajacek, M.; Eckart, A.; Sabha, N.; Shahzamanian, B.; Parsa, M
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2019, tom: 624, strony: A97), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Broad He I 1.08-µm absorption from the obscurer in the active galaxy NGC 5548
Wildy, Conor; Landt, Hermine; Ward, Martin J.; Czerny, Bożena; Kynoch, Daniel
Montly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2021, tom: 500, strony: 2063), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Dark Energy Constraints from Quasar Observations
Czerny, B. ; Martínez-Aldama, M. L. ; Wojtkowska, G. ; Zajaček, M. ; Marziani, P. ; Dultzin, D. ; Naddaf, M. H. ; Panda, S. ; Prince, R. ; Przyluski, R. ; Ralowski, M. ; Śniegowska, M.
Acta Physica Polonica A (rok: 2021, tom: 139, strony: 389-393), Wydawca: Instytut Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Dusty plasma in active galactic nuclei
Czerny, B. et al.
The European Physical Journal D (rok: 2023, tom: 77, strony: id.56), Wydawca: Springer
First Observed Interaction of the Circumstellar Envelope of an S-star with the Environment of Sgr A*
Peißker, Florian; Ali, Basel; Zajaček, Michal et. al.
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 909, strony: id. 62), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
High metal content of highly accreting quasars
Śniegowska, Marzena; Marziani, Paola; Czerny, Bożena; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; del Olmo, Ascensión; D'Onofrio, Mauro
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 910, strony: id. 115), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Kinematic Structure of the Galactic Center S Cluster
Ali, Basel; Paul, Daria; Eckart, Andreas; Parsa, Marzieh; Zajacek, Michal; Peißker, Florian; Subroweit, Matthias; Valencia-S., Monica; Thomkins, Lauritz; Witzel, Gunther
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 896, strony: 100), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Optical Singly-Ionized Iron Emission in Radio-Quiet and Relativistically Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei
Marziani, Paola ; Berton, Marco ; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Bon, Edi
Universe (rok: 2021, tom: 7, strony: 484), Wydawca: MDPI
Radiation pressure on dust explaining the low ionized broad emission lines in active galactic nuclei. Dust as an important driver of line shape
Naddaf, M. H. ; Czerny, B.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2022, tom: 663, strony: id.A77, 11 pp.), Wydawca: EDP
Radiation spectra of warm and optically thick coronae in AGNs
Petrucci, P. -O.; Gronkiewicz, D.; Rozanska, A.; Belmont, R.; Bianchi, S.; Czerny, B.; Matt, G.; Malzac, J.; Middei, R.; De Rosa, A.; Ursini, F.; Cappi, M.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2020, tom: 634, strony: A85), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
The CaFe project: Optical Fe II and near-infrared Ca II triplet emission in active galaxies: simulated EWs and the co-dependence of cloud size and metal content
Panda, Swayamtrupta
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2021, tom: 650, strony: id. A154), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of quasar CTS C30.10: Dissecting Mg II and Fe II emission regions
Prince, Raj ; Zajaček, Michal ; Czerny, Bożena ; Trzcionkowski, Piotr ; Bronikowski, Mateusz ; Sobrino Figaredo, Catalina ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof ; Kumar Jaiswal, Vikram ; Śniegowska, Marzena ; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan ; Bilicki, Maciej search by orcid ; Haas, Martin ; Jacek Sarna, Marek ; Karas, Vladimir ; Olejak, Aleksandra ; Przyłuski, Robert ; Rałowski, Mateusz ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Sefako, Ramotholo R. search by orcid ; Genade, Anja ; Worters, Hannah L.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 667, id.A42, 20 pp (rok: 2022, tom: 667, strony: A42, 20pp), Wydawca: EDP
Effects of heterogeneous data sets and time-lag measurement techniques on cosmological parameter constraints from MgII and CIV reverberation-mapped quasar data
Cao, Shulei ; Zajaček, Michal ; Czerny, Bożena ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , Wydawca: Oxford University Press
A comprehensive study of the 2019-2020 flare of OJ 287 using AstroSat, Swift and NuSTAR
Prince, Raj ; Raman, Gayathri ; Khatoon, Rukaiya ; Agarwal, Aditi ; Varun ; Gupta, Nayantara ; Czerny, Bożena ; Majumdar, Pratik
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2021, tom: 508, strony: 315-325), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Broadband spectro-temporal study on blazar TXS 1700+685
Banerjee, Anuvab; Nandi, Prantik ; Prince, Raj ; Khatoon, Rukaiya ; Bose, Debanjan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 515, strony: 4675-4684), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Constraining the accretion flow density profile near Sgr A* using the L'-band emission of the S2 star
Hosseini, S. Elaheh; Zajaček, Michal; Eckart, Andreas; Sabha, Nadeen B.; Labadie, Lucas
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2020, tom: 644, strony: A105), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Constraining the charge ofthe Galactic centre black hole
Michal Zajacek, Arman Tursunov, Andreas Eckart, SilkeBritzen, Eva Hackmann, Vladim ır Karas, Zdenek Stuchliık, Bozena Czerny, and J. Anton Zensus
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (rok: 2019, tom: 1258, strony: 12031), Wydawca: IOP Science
Depletion of Bright Red Giants in the Galactic Center during Its Active Phases
Zajaček, Michal; Araudo, Anabella; Karas, Vladimír; Czerny, Bożena; Eckart, Andreas
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 903, strony: 140), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Expectations for time-delay measurements in active galactic nuclei with the Vera Rubin Observatory
Czerny, Bozena et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 675, strony: id. A163), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Main trends of the quasar main sequence - effect of viewing angle
Panda, S.; Marziani, P.; Czerny, B.
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso (rok: 2020, tom: 50, strony: 293-308), Wydawca: Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Modeling time delays from two reprocessors in active galactic nuclei
Jaiswal, Vikram Kumar ; Prince, Raj ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Czerny, Bożena
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 670, strony: id. A147), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Near- and Mid-infrared Observations in the Inner Tenth of a Parsec of the Galactic Center Detection of Proper Motion of a Filament Very Close to Sgr A*
Peißker, Florian; Eckart, Andreas; Sabha, Nadeen B.; Zajaček, Michal; Bhat, Harshitha
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 897, strony: 28), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Quasar UV/X-ray relation luminosity distances are shorter than reverberation-measured radius-luminosity relation luminosity distances
Khadka, Narayan search by orcid ; Zajaček, Michal ; Prince, Raj; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Czerny, Bożena ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Jaiswal, Vikram Kumar ; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2023, tom: 522, strony: 1247-1264), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
S62 and S4711: Indications of a Population of Faint Fast-moving Stars inside the S2 Orbit—S4711 on a 7.6 yr Orbit around Sgr A*
Peißker, Florian; Eckart, Andreas; Zajaček, Michal; Ali, Basel; Parsa, Marzieh
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 899, strony: 50), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Time Delay of MgII Emission Response for the Luminous Quasar HE 0435-4312: Towards Application of High-Accretor Radius-Luminosity Relation in Cosmology
Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Rałowski, Mateusz; Olejak, Aleksandra; Przyłuski, Robert; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Śniegowska, Marzena; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Prince, Raj; Pych, Wojtek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, C.; Haas, Martin; Średzińska, Justyna; Krupa, Magdalena; Kurcz, Agnieszka; Udalski, Andrzej; Karas, Vladimír Sarna, Marek; Worters, Hannah L.; Sefako, Ramotholo R.; Genade, Anja
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 912, strony: id. 10), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Origin of the broadband emission from the transition blazar B2 1308+326
Pandey, Ashwani ; Kushwaha, Pankaj ; Wiita, Paul J. ; Prince, Raj ; Czerny, Bozena ; Stalin, C. S.
Astronomy & Astrophysics , Wydawca: EDP
A cosmic collider: Was the IceCube neutrino generated in aprecessing jet-jet interaction in TXS 0506+056?
S. Britzen, C. Fendt, M. Böttcher, M. Zajacek, F. Jaron, I. N. Pashchenko, A. Araudo,V. Karas, and O. Kurtanidze
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2019, tom: 630, strony: A103), Wydawca: EDP Sciences for European Southern Observatory
BLR size in Realistic FRADO Model
Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Czerny, Bożena; Szczerba, Ryszard
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences (rok: 2020, tom: 7, strony: 15), Wydawca: Frontiers Media S.A.
Broad UV Emission Lines in Type-1 Active Galactic Nuclei: A Note on Spectral Diagnostics and the Excitation Mechanism
Marziani, Paola; del Olmo, Ascension; Perea, Jaime; D'Onofrio, Mauro; Panda, Swayamtrupta
Atoms (rok: 2020, tom: 8, strony: 94), Wydawca: MDPI
Can Reverberation-measured Quasars Be Used for Cosmology?
Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Czerny, Bożena; Kawka, Damian; Karas, Vladimir; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Zajacek, Michal; Zycki, Piotr T.
Astrophysical Jornal (rok: 2019, tom: 883, strony: 170), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Current and future applications of Reverberation-mapped quasars in Cosmology
Panda, Swayamtrupta; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajacek, Michal
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences (rok: 2019, tom: 6, strony: 75), Wydawca: Frontiers Media S.A.
Dissecting the broad-band emission from γ-ray blazar PKS 0735+178 in search of neutrinos
Prince, Raj ; Das, Saikat ; Gupta, Nayantara ; Majumdar, Pratik ; Czerny, Bożena
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2024, tom: 527, strony: 8746-8754), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Do reverberation-measured Hβ quasars provide a useful test of cosmology?
Khadka, Narayan; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajaček, Michal ; Czerny, Bożena; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 513, strony: 1985-2005), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Interpretation of Departure from the Broad-line Region Scaling in Active Galactic Nuclei
Czerny, Bożena; Wang, Jian-Min; Du, Pu; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Karas, Vladimir; Li, Yan-Rong; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Sniegowska, Marzena; Wildy, Conor; Yuan, Ye-Fei
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2019, tom: 870, strony: 84), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Multiwavelength analysis and modeling of OJ 287 during 2017-2020
Prince, Raj ; Agarwal, Aditi ; Gupta, Nayantara ; Majumdar, Pratik ; Czerny, Bożena ; Cellone, Sergio A. ; Andruchow, I.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2021, tom: 654, strony: id.A38), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Nonthermal Emission from Fall-back Clouds in the Broad-line Region of Active Galactic Nuclei
Müller, Ana Laura; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Araudo, Anabella; Karas, Vladimír
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2022, tom: 931, strony: id.39, 16 pp), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Reverberation-mapping of distant quasars: time-lagdetermination using different methods
M. Zajacek, B. Czerny, | M.-L. Martinez Aldama, V. Karas2
Astronomische Nachrichten (rok: 2019, tom: 340, strony: 577), Wydawca: Wiley-VCH; Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (Germany)
Scatter Analysis along the Multidimensional Radius-Luminosity Relations for Reverberation-mapped Mg II Sources
Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Panda, Swayamtrupta
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 903, strony: 86), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Selection of highly-accreting quasars. Spectral properties of Fe IIopt emitters not belonging to extreme Population A
Bon, N.; Marziani, P.; Bon, E.; Negrete, C. A.; Dultzin, D.; del Olmo, A.; D'Onofrio, M.; Martínez-Aldama, M. L.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2020, tom: 635, strony: A151), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Slim Accretion Disks: Theory and Observational Consequences
Universe (rok: 2019, tom: 5, strony: 131), Wydawca: MDPI
Standardizing reverberation-measured C IV time-lag quasars, and using them with standardized Mg II quasars to constrain cosmological parameters
Cao, Shulei ; Zajaček, Michal ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Czerny, Bożena ; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 516, strony: 1721-1740), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
The CaFe Project: Optical Fe II and Near-infrared Ca II Triplet Emission in Active Galaxies. II. The Driver(s) of the Ca II and Fe II and Its Potential Use as a Chemical Clock
Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Czerny, Bożena; Marinello, Murilo; Marziani, Paola; Dultzin, Deborah
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 918, strony: id. 29), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
The Wind Dynamics of Super-Eddington Sources in FRADO
Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan ; Czerny, Bożena; Zajaček, Michal
Dynamics (rok: 2022, tom: 2, strony: 295-305), Wydawca: MDPI
The multiphase environment in the centre of Centaurus A
Borkar, A.; Adhikari, T. P.; Różańska, A.; Markowitz, A. G.; Boorman, P.; Czerny, B.; Migliori, G.; De Marco, B.; Karas, V.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2021, tom: 500, strony: 3536), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Time delay measurement of Mg II line in CTS C30.10 with SALT
Czerny, Bozena; Olejak, Aleksandra; Ralowski, Mateusz; Kozlowski, Szymon; Loli Martinez Aldama, Mary; Zajacek, Michal; Pych, Wojtek; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Pietrzynski, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, C.; and 11 coauthors
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2019, tom: 880, strony: 46), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Viewing Angle Effects in Quasar Application to Cosmology
Prince, Raj ; Czerny, Bożena; Pollo, Agnieszka
The Astrophysical Journa (rok: 2021, tom: 909, strony: id. 58), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Viewing Angle Observations and Effects of Evolution with Redshift, Black Hole Mass, and Eddington Ratio in Quasar-based Cosmology
Prince, Raj; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Czerny, Bożena; Pollo, Agnieszka
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2022, tom: 925, strony: id.215, 11 pp.), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
UV Fe II emission model of HE 0413-4031 and its relation to broad-line time delays
Zajaček, Michal ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Pandey, Ashwani ; Prince, Raj ; Rodríguez-Ardila, Alberto ; Jaiswal, Vikram ; Czerny, Bożena ; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof ; Urbanowicz, Maciej ; Trzcionkowski, Piotr ; Śniegowska, Marzena ; Fałkowska, Zuzanna ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Werner, Norbert
Astronomy & Astrophysics , Wydawca: EDP
Przyjęta do publikacji
Accretion disks, quasars and cosmology: meandering towards understanding
Czerny, B. et al.
Astrophysics and Space Science (rok: 2023, tom: 368, strony: id. 8), Wydawca: Springer
Broad-line region in active galactic nuclei: Dusty or dustless?
Pandey, Ashwani ; Czerny, Bożena; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Prince, Raj; Jaiswal, Vikram Kumar ; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Zajaček, Michal ; Śniegowska, Marzena
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 680, strony: id. A 102), Wydawca: EDP
Consistency study of high- and low-accreting Mg ii quasars: No significant effect of the Fe ii to Mg ii flux ratio on the radius-luminosity relation dispersion
Khadka, Narayan; Zajaček, Michal; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 515, strony: 3729-3748), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Dust-driven wind as a model of broad absorption line quasars
Naddaf, M. H. ; Martinez-Aldama, M. L. ; Marziani, P. ; Panda, S. ; Sniegowska, M. ; Czerny, B.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 675, strony: id. A43), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Electric charge of black holes: Is it really alwaysnegligible?
Michal Zajacek and Arman Tursunov
Observatory (rok: 2019, tom: 139, strony: 231), Wydawca: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Enhanced Doppler Beaming for Dust-enshrouded Objects and Pulsars in the Galactic Center
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 915, strony: id. 111), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Investigating the origin of optical flares from the TeV blazar S4 0954+65
Pandey, Ashwani; Bachev, Rumen ; Czerny, Bożena ; Wiita, Paul J. ; Gupta, Alok C. ; Strigachev, Anton ; Popowicz, Adam
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 679, strony: id. A28), Wydawca: EDP
Modified models of radiation pressure instability applied to 10, 105, and 107 M⊙ accreting black holes
Śniegowska, Marzena; Grzȩdzielski, Mikołaj ; Czerny, Bożena; Janiuk, Agnieszka
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 672, strony: id. A19), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Multiwavelength temporal and spectral analysis of Blazar S5 1803+78
S Priya, Raj Prince et al.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 513, strony: 2239-2251), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Multiwavelength temporal and spectral study of TeV blazar 1ES 1727+502 during 2014-2021
Prince, Raj; Khatoon, Rukaiya ; Majumdar, Pratik ; Czerny, Bożena; Gupta, Nayantara
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2022, tom: 515, strony: 2633-2645), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
The Quasar Main Sequence Explained by the Combination of Eddington Ratio, Metallicity, and Orientation
Panda, Swayamtrupta; Marziani, Paola; Czerny, Bożena
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2019, tom: 882, strony: 79), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Time-delay Measurement of Mg II Broad-line Response for the Highly Accreting Quasar HE 0413-4031: Implications for the Mg II-based Radius-Luminosity Relation
Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Rałowski, Mateusz; Olejak, Aleksandra; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Śniegowska, Marzena; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Pych, Wojtek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, C.; Haas, Martin; Średzińska, Justyna; Krupa, Magdalena; Kurcz, Agnieszka; Udalski, Andrzej; Gorski, Marek; Sarna, Marek
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 896, strony: 146), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate-redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions
Raj Prince, Michal Zajaˇcek, Swayamtrupta Panda, Krzysztof Hryniewicz4, Vikram Kumar Jaiswal, Bo˙zena Czerny et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2023, tom: 678, strony: id.A189), Wydawca: EDP
Effect of extinction on quasar luminosity distances determined from UV and X-ray flux measurements
Zajaček, Michal ; Czerny, Bożena ; Khadka, Narayan ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Prince, Raj ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Possible mechanism for multiple changing-look phenomena in active galactic nuclei
Sniegowska, M.; Czerny, B.; Bon, E.; Bon, N.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2020, tom: 641, strony: A167), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
A catalogue of 108 extended planetary nebulae observed by GALEX
Pradhan, Ananta C.; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Parthasarathy, Mudumba; Murthy, Jayant; Ojha, Devendra K.
Astrophysics and Space Science (rok: 2019, tom: 364, strony: 181), Wydawca: Springer
Black hole mass estimates in quasars: A comparative analysis of high- and low-ionization lines
Paola Marziani, Ascension del Olmo, M. A. Martinez-Carballo, Mary Loli Martinez-Aldama, Giovanna M. Stirpe, C. Alenka Negrete, Deborah Dultzin, Mauro D' Onofrio, Edi Bon, and Natasha Bon
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2019, tom: 627, strony: A88), Wydawca: EDP Sciences for European Southern Observatory
Covering factor of the dust-driven broad-line region clouds
Naddaf, Mohammad Hassan ; Czerny, Bozena
Journal of Universe (MDPI) (rok: 2024, tom: 10, strony: A29), Wydawca: MDPI
Effect of Electromagnetic Interaction on Galactic Center Flare Components
Tursunov, Arman; Zajaček, Michal; Eckart, Andreas; Kološ, Martin; Britzen, Silke; Stuchlík, Zdeněk; Czerny, Bozena; Karas, Vladimír
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 897, strony: 99), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Ionization Instability Driven Outbursts in SXTs
Bagińska, P.; Różańska, A.; Czerny, B. ; Janiuk, A
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 912, strony: id. 110), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
Modeling changing-look active galactic nuclei phenomenon in 1D using accretion disk instabilities
Śniegowska, Marzena ; Grzedzielski, Mikołaj ; Czerny, Bożena; Janiuk, Agnieszka
Astronomische Nachrichten (rok: 2022, tom: 343, strony: id. e210065), Wydawca: Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim
Modelling broad emission lines in activegalactic nuclei
Open Astronomy (rok: 2019, tom: 28, strony: 200), Wydawca: De Gruyer
Monitoring dusty sources in the vicinity of Sagittarius A*
Peißker, F.; Hosseini, S. E.; Zajaček, M.; Eckart, A.; Saalfeld, R.; Valencia-S., M.; Parsa, M.; Karas, V.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2020, tom: 634, strony: A35), Wydawca: EDP Sciences
Radio spectral index distribution of SDSS-FIRST sources acrossoptical diagnostic diagrams
Michal Zajacek, Gerold Busch, Mónica Valencia-S., Andreas Eckart, Silke Britzen, Lars Fuhrmann, Jana Schneeloch, Nastaran Fazeli, Kevin C. Harrington, & J. Anton Zensus
Astronomy & Astrophysics (rok: 2019, tom: 630, strony: A83), Wydawca: EDP Sciences for European Southern Observatory
Standardizing reverberation-measured Mg II time-lag quasars, by using the radius-luminosity relation, and constraining cosmological model parameters
Khadka, Narayan ; Yu, Zhefu ; Zajaček, Michal ; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Czerny, Bożena ; Ratra, Bharat
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (rok: 2021, tom: 508, strony: 4722-4737), Wydawca: Oxford University Press
Stellar Transits across a Magnetized Accretion Torus as a Mechanism for Plasmoid Ejection
Suková, Petra; Zajaček, Michal; Witzany, Vojtěch; Karas, Vladimír
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 917, strony: id. 43), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
The Apparent Tail of the Galactic Center Object G2/DSO
Peißker, Florian; Zajaček, Michal; Eckart, Andreas ; Ali, Basel search by ; Karas, Vladimír ; Sabha, Nadeen B. ; Grellmann, Rebekka; Labadie, Lucas; Shahzamanian, Banafsheh
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 923, strony: id. 69), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
The CaFe Project: Optical Fe II and Near-infrared Ca II Triplet Emission in Active Galaxies. I. Photoionization Modeling
Panda, Swayamtrupta; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Marinello, Murilo; Czerny, Bożena; Marziani, Paola; Dultzin, Deborah
Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2020, tom: 902, strony: 76), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
The LSST Era of Supermassive Black Hole Accretion Disk Reverberation Mapping
Kovačević, Andjelka B.; Radović, Viktor; Ilić, Dragana; Popović, Luka Č. ; Assef, Roberto J. ; Sánchez-Sáez, Paula ; Nikutta, Robert ; Raiteri, Claudia M.; Yoon, Ilsang ; Homayouni, Yasaman; Li, Yan-Rong; Caplar, Neven; Czerny, Bozena; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Ricci, Claudio ; Jankov, Isidora ; Landt, Hermine ; Wolf, Christian ; Kovačević-Dojčinović, Jelena ; Lakićević, Maša ; Savić, Đorđe V. ; Vince, Oliver ; Simić, Saša; Čvorović-Hajdinjak, Iva ; Marčeta-Mandić, Sladjana
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (rok: 2022, tom: 262, strony: id.49, 37 pp.), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing
The Picture of BLR in 2.5D FRADO: Dynamics and Geometry
Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Czerny, Bożena ; Szczerba, Ryszard
The Astrophysical Journal (rok: 2021, tom: 920, strony: id.30), Wydawca: American Astronomical Society/IOP Publishing