Assessing accuracy of trade classification rules. Methods, data, and problems
Joanna Olbryś, Michał Mursztyn
The 12th Professor Aleksander Zelias International Conference on Modelling and Forecasting of Socio-Economic Phenomena (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics
konferencja 8-11 maja 2018 r.
On some characteristics of liquidity proxy time series. Evidence from the Polish stock market, [in:] Advances in Time Series Data Methods in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Tsounis N., Vlachvei A. (eds)
Joanna Olbryś, Michał Mursztyn
International Conference on Applied Economics 2018 (ICOAE 2018) (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
konferencja 5-7 lipiec 2018
Wyznaczanie wymiarów płynności rynku w czasie rzeczywistym
Ogólnopolska Konferencja Studentów Matematyki w Poznaniu, OBLICZE 2017 (rok: 2017, ), Wydawca: Koło Naukowe Matematyków UAM w Poznaniu
konferencja 12-14 maja 2017 r.
Alternative estimators for the effective spread derived from high-frequency data, [in:] Effective Investment on Capital Market. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Tarczyński W., Nermend K. (eds.)
Joanna Olbryś, Michał Mursztyn
X Konferencja Ogólnopolska. Rynek Kapitałowy. Skuteczne Inwestowanie 2018 (RKSI 2018) (rok: 2019, ), Wydawca: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
konferencja 17-18 wrzesień 2018
Extracting common factors from liquidity measures with Principal Component Analysis on the Polish stock market, [In:] Tsounis N., Vlachvei A. (eds) Advances in Longitudinal Data Methods in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics.
Joanna Olbryś, Elżbieta Majewska
International Conference on Applied Economics 2020 (ICOAE 2020) (rok: 2021, ), Wydawca: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
konferencja 2-3 lipiec 2020 (konferencja on-line)
Market tightness on the CEE emerging stock exchanges in the context of the non-trading problem, [in] Advances in Cross-Section Data Methods in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Tsounis N., Vlachvei A. (eds)
International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE) (rok: 2020, ), Wydawca: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
konferencja 4-6 lipiec 2019
Market-wide commonality in liquidity on the CEE-3 emerging stock markets. [in] Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Jajuga K., Locarek-Junge H., Orlowski L.T., Staehr K. (eds)
V Wrocław Conference in Finance 2018 (WROFIN 2018) (rok: 2019, ), Wydawca: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
konferencja 26-27 wrzesień 2018
Liquidity proxies based on intraday data: The case of the Polish order driven stock market, [in:] Advances in Panel Data Analysis in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Tsounis N., Vlachvei A. (eds)
Joanna Olbryś, Michał Mursztyn
International Conference on Applied Economics 2017 (ICOAE 2017) (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
konferencja 6-8 lipiec 2017
Measuring dynamics of financial integration on the euro area stock markets, 2000-2016, [in] Advances in Panel Data Analysis in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Tsounis N., Vlachvei A. (eds)
Elżbieta Majewska, Joanna Olbryś
International Conference on Applied Economics 2017 (ICOAE 2017) (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
konferencja 6-8 lipiec 2017
Testing stability of correlations between liquidity proxies derived from intraday data on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, [in] Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance. Proceedings from the 3rd Wroclaw International Conference in Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Jajuga K., Locarek-Junge H., Orlowski L. (eds)
Wrocław Conference in Finance: Contemporary Trends and Challenges (WROFIN 2017) (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
konferencja 13-14 wrzesień 2017
Components of the effective spread: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, [in] Finance and Sustainability. Proceedings from the Finance and Sustainability Conference, Wroclaw 2017. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Bem A., Daszyńska-Żygadło K., Hajdiková T., Juhász P. (eds)
Finance and Sustainability Conference 2017 (ZAFIN 2017) (rok: 2018, ), Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
konferencja 20 październik 2017