Correlation between electronic and electrochemical properties of NaxCoO2−y
J. Molenda, D. Baster, A. Stokłosa, M. U. Gutowska, A. Szewczyk, R. Puźniak, K. Dybko, M. Szot, J. Tobola
Solid State Ionics (rok: 2014, tom: 268, strony: 179–184), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V.
Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of p-type Ag-doped Mg2Sn and Mg2Sn1-xSix (x=0.05, 0.1)
S. Kim, B. Wiendlocha, H. Jin, J. Tobola, and J. P. Heremans
Journal of Applied Physics (rok: 2014, tom: 116, strony: 153706-8), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Importance of relativistic effects in electronic structure and thermopower calculations for Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn
K. Kutorasinski, B. Wiendlocha, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk
Physical Review B (rok: 2014, tom: 89, strony: 115205), Wydawca: American Physical Society
KKR–CPA study of electronic structure and relative stability of Mg2X (X = Si, Ge, Sn) thermoelectrics containing point defects
P. Zwolenski, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (rok: 2015, tom: 627, strony: 85-90), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V.
The nature of the nonmetal–metal transition in LixCoO2 oxide
A. Milewska, K. Świerczek, J. Tobola, F. Boudoire, Y.Hu, D.K. Bora, B.S. Mun, A. Braun, J. Molenda
Solid State Ionics (rok: 2014, tom: 263, strony: 110-118), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V
Electronic band structure, magnetic, transport and thermodynamic properties, of In-filled skutterudites InxCo4Sb12
J. Leszczynski, V. Da Ros, B. Lenoir, A. Dauscher, C. Candolfi, P. Masschelein, J. Hejtmanek, K. Kutorasinski, J. Tobola, R. I. Smith, C. Stiewe and E. Muller
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (rok: 2013, tom: 46, strony: 495106 (13pp)), Wydawca: IOP PUBLISHING
Electronic origin of the step-like character of the discharge curve for NaxCoO2−y cathode
J. Molenda, D. Baster, M. U. Gutowska, A. Szewczyk, R. Puźniak, J. Tobola
Functional Materials Letters (rok: 2014, tom: 7, strony: 1440009-20), Wydawca: World Scientific Publishing Company
Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of n- and p-type SnSe from first-principles calculations
K. Kutorasinski, B. Wiendlocha, S. Kaprzyk, J. Tobola
Physical Review B (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 205201(1-12)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Localization and magnetism of the resonant impurity states in Ti doped PbTe
Applied Physics Letters (rok: 2014, tom: 105, strony: 133901-4), Wydawca: AIP Publishing LLC
Non-destructive measurement of in-operando lithium concentration in batteries via xray Compton scattering
K. Suzuki, B. Barbiellini, Y. Orikasa, S. Kaprzyk, M. Itou, K. Yamamoto, Yung Jui Wang, H. Hafiz, Y. Uchimoto, A. Bansil, Y. Sakurai, and H. Sakurai
Journal of Applied Physics (rok: 2016, tom: 119, strony: 025103(1-6)), Wydawca: AIP Publishing LLC
Search for Resonant-Like Impurity in Ag-Doped CoSb 3 Skutterudite: Theoretical and Experimental Study
P. Nieroda, K. Kutorasinski, J. Tobola, K.T. Wojciechowski
Journal of Electronic Materials (rok: 2014, tom: 43, strony: 1681-1688), Wydawca: TMS, Springer US
Study of electron, phonon and crystal stability versus thermoelectric properties in Mg 2X(X= Si, Sn) compounds and their alloys
J. Bourgeois, J. Tobola, B. Wiendlocha, L. Chaput, P. Zwolenski, D. Berthebaud, F. Gascoin, Q. Recour, H. Scherrer
Functional Materials Letters (rok: 2013, tom: 6, strony: 1340005 (14 pages)), Wydawca: World Scientific Publishing Company
Calculating electron transport coefficients ofdisordered alloys using the KKR-CPA method and Boltzmann approach: Applicationto Mg2Si1−xSnx thermoelectrics
K. Kutorasinski, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk
Physical Review B (rok: 2013, tom: 87, strony: 195205:1-9), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Effect of Isovalent Substitution on the Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of the Solid Solution α‑As2Te3−xSex (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5)
Jean-Baptiste Vaney, Gaeelle Delaizir, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Janusz Tobola, Eric Alleno, Andrea Piarristeguy, Antonio Pereira Goncalves, Christine Gendarme, Bernard Malaman, Anne Dauscher, Christophe Candolfi, and Bertrand Lenoir
Inorganic Chemistry (rok: 2017, tom: 56, strony: 2248-2257), Wydawca: ACS Publications
Electronic origin of difference in discharge curve between LixCoO2 and NaxCoO2 cathodes
Janina Molenda, Dominika Baster, Anna Milewska, Konrad Świerczek, Debajeet Kumar Bora, Artur Braun, Janusz Tobola
Solid State Ionics (rok: 2015, tom: 271, strony: 15-27), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V.
Resonant Levels, Vacancies, and Doping in Bi2Te3, Bi2Te2Se, and Bi2Se3 Tetradymites
Bartlomiej Wiendlocha
Journal of Electronic Materials (rok: 2016, tom: 45, strony: 3515-3531), Wydawca: Springer
Surfaces of colloidal PbSe nanocrystals probed by thin-film positron annihilation spectroscopy
L. Chai, W. Al-Sawai, Y. Gao, A. J. Houtepen, P. E. Mijnarends, B. Barbiellini, H. Schut, L. C. van Schaarenburg, M. A. van Huis, L. Ravelli, W. Egger, S. Kaprzyk, A. Bansil and S. W. H. Eijt
APL Materials (rok: 2013, tom: 1, strony: 022111:1-7), Wydawca: AIP Publishing (UWAGA: podany IF jest 5-letni; początek edycji czasopisma - 2013)
Anomaly in the electronic structure of the NaxCoO2 cathode as a source of its step-like discharge curve
J. Molenda, D. Baster, M. Molenda, K. Swierczek, J. Tobola
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2014, tom: 16, strony: 14845-14857), Wydawca: RSC Publishing
Application of Boltzmann transport theory to disordered thermoelectric materials: Ti(Fe,Co,Ni)Sb half-Heusler alloys
K. Kutorasinski, J. Tobola, and S. Kaprzyk
Physica Status Solidi A (rok: 2014, tom: 211, strony: 1229–1234), Wydawca: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH
Crystal and electronic structures of the new quaternary RCr3Si2C (R=Y, Gd–Tm, Lu, U) compounds
Pierric Lemoine, JanuszTobola, Anne Verniere, Bernard Malaman
Journal of Solid State Chemistry (rok: 2013, tom: 201, strony: 293-301), Wydawca: Elsevier B. V.
Effect of the tetragonal distortion on the electronic structure, phonons and superconductivity in the Mo3Sb7 superconductor
B. Wiendlocha, M. Sternik
Intermetallics (rok: 2014, tom: 53, strony: 150-156), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V.
Eu2+–Eu3+ valence transition in double, Eu-, and Na-doped PbSe from transport, magnetic, and electronic structure studies
Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, SunPhil Kim, Yeseul Lee, Bin He, Gloria Lehr, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Donald T. Morelli, Joseph P. Heremans
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2017, tom: 19, strony: 9606-9616), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
From crystal to glass-like thermal conductivity in crystalline minerals
Y. Bouyrie, C. Candolfi, S. Pailhes, M. M. Koza, B. Malaman, A. Dauscher, J. Tobola, O. Boisron, L. Saviote, B. Lenoir
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2015, tom: 17, strony: 19751--19758), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
Impact of crystal structure singularity on transport and electrochemical properties of Lix(LiyFezV1-y-z)O2 — electrode material for lithium batteries
Bartłomiej Gędziorowski, Janusz Tobola, Artur Braun and Janina Molenda
Functional Materials Letters (rok: 2016, tom: 9, strony: 1641006 (12 pages)), Wydawca: World Scientific
P-type doping of elemental bismuth with indium, gallium and tin: a novel doping mechanism in solids
Hyungyu Jin, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Joseph P. Heremans
Energy & Environmental Science (rok: 2015, tom: 8, strony: 2027-2040), Wydawca: The Royal Society of Chemistry
Sn-induced resonant level in -As2Te3
Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Jean-Baptiste Vaney, Christophe Candolfi, Anne Dauscher, Bertrand Lenoir , Janusz Tobola
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (rok: 2018, tom: 20, strony: 12948-12957), Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
Crystal and electronic structures of two new iron selenides: Ba4Fe3Se10 and BaFe2Se4
David Berthebaud, Olivier Perez, Janusz Tobola, Denis Pelloquin, Antoine Maignan
Journal of Solid State Chemistry (rok: 2015, tom: 230, strony: 293–300), Wydawca: Elsevier B.V.
Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Pseudoquaternary Mg2Si1-x-ySnxGey-Based Materials
K. Kutorasinski, J. Tobola, S. Kaprzyk, A.U. Khan, and TH. Kyratsi
Journal of Electronic Materials (rok: 2014, tom: 43, strony: 3831-3837), Wydawca: Springer
Experimental and theoretical study of the sigma-phase Fe-Re alloys
J. Cieslak, S.M. Dubiel, J. Tobola, J. Zukrowski
Materials Chemistry and Physics (rok: 2013, tom: 139, strony: 590-595), Wydawca: Elsevier B. V.
Extracting the Redox Orbitals in Li Battery Materials with High-Resolution X-Ray Compton Scattering Spectroscopy
K. Suzuki, B. Barbiellini, Y. Orikasa, N. Go,1 H. Sakurai, S. Kaprzyk, M. Itou, K. Yamamoto, Y. Uchimoto, Yung Jui Wang, H. Hafiz, A. Bansil, and Y. Sakurai
Physical Review Letters (rok: 2015, tom: 114, strony: 087401(1-6)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Fermi surface and electron dispersion of PbTe doped with resonant Tl impurity from KKR-CPA calculations
Physical Review B (rok: 2013, tom: 88, strony: 205205:1-7), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Influence of substituting Sn for Sb on the thermoelectric transport properties of CoSb3- based skutterudites
Si Hui, M. D. Nielsen, M. R. Homer, D. L. Medlin, J. Tobola, J. R. Salvador, J. P. Heremans, K. P. Pipe, and C. Uher
Journal of Applied Physics (rok: 2014, tom: 115, strony: 103704-9), Wydawca: AIP Publishing
Pressure effects on the superconductivity of the HfPd2Al Heusler compound: Experimental and theoretical study
B. Wiendlocha, M. J. Winiarski, M. Muras, C. Zvoriste-Walters, J.-C. Griveau, S. Heathman, M. Gazda, and T. Klimczuk
Physical Review B (rok: 2015, tom: 91, strony: 024509(1-10)), Wydawca: American Physical Society
Recent progress in calculations of electronic and transport properties of disordered thermoelectric materials
B. Wiendlocha, K. Kutorasinski, S. Kaprzyk, J. Tobola
Scripta Materialia (rok: 2016, tom: 111, strony: 33-38), Wydawca: Elsevier B. V.